What Makes Wjunction Different?

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Active Member
Hello :wave:

It's simple, Just tell us how Wjunction is different from any other webmastering forum. For me it's the coolest place for webmasters to hangout, learn and yes troll others [trollface], I just completed my third year here :)

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Ho Ho Ho! xD
1st Thing WJ rules , Best place to find out good people to hangout , many web masters around on forum to help others great place then other forums , love it
What I have noticed and really like about tis forum is that not only technical and specified topics are being discussed. After discussing hard and thinking on the certain questions its is pretty funny to go to the genral discussions and talk about my favorite games, do I love my life or do I make my bed each day. That's funny and some of the forums have a lack of it.
What I have noticed and really like about tis forum is that not only technical and specified topics are being discussed. After discussing hard and thinking on the certain questions its is pretty funny to go to the genral discussions and talk about my favorite games, do I love my life or do I make my bed each day. That's funny and some of the forums have a lack of it.

I agree, I also always talk about "do I make my bed" when I'm done fapping.
I might be new to comment on this question, but as i have a lot of experience of staying active on various different forums, so i will comment here based on that experience.
First of all, its rules are very much practical. These rules are not too tough to handle and also not too loose to allow playing with them.
Secondly, interface is user friendly, speedy and responsive in use.
Last but not least, a good productive community. Lots of opportunities to help others and hope that it will prove to be useful whenever i myself will need any help.
Cheers, keep it up Wjunction.
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