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Hi everyone
I am just trying to learn SEO technique's but not able to understand what is "WEB 2.0"

please help
Web 2.0 is mainly about glossy images and websites that have user interaction. It is also about using the correct coding, comments etc.

It's to raise a higher standard in websites.
How it helps in SEO
What's so extra ordinary in web 2.0
sorry for noob question bu t help will be appreciated
When people refer to web 2.0 they are mainly refering to the blogs and wikis which allow you to create your own small blog/website within that website. You can write content, post pictures, link people to different sites etc. The prime example of a web 2.0 blog site is squidoo.

Heres a more indepth look by wikipedia:

Hope this helps
lolololol havent heard any one use that term in forever. I remember very vividly the overly ostentatious gloss that was added to EVERYTHING
You've probably already googled this and didn't get it, so general terms:

Super round edges, glassy/glossy looks to everything.

Simple as that
yes you are right Jesse

narutoroot :facepalm: go and pray in church saying thanks to god that you know everything
Web 2.0 is the popular term for advanced Internet technology and applications including blogs, wikis, RSS and social bookmarking. The two major components of Web 2.0 are the technological advances enabled by Ajax and other new applications such as RSS and Eclipse and the user empowerment that they support.
It is mostly just a buzz word. Often people say it is about user generated content, but user generated content goes back to the 80s with the Usenet.
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Web 2.0 (or Web 2) is the popular term for advanced Internet technology and applications including blogs, wikis, RSS and social bookmarking. The two major components of Web 2.0 are the technological advances enabled by Ajax and other new applications such as RSS and Eclipse and the user empowerment that they support.

Web 2.0 is the term given to describe a second generation of the World Wide Web that is focused on the ability for people to collaborate and share information online. Web 2.0 basically refers to the transition from static HTML Web pages to a more dynamic Web that is more organized and is based on serving Web applications to users. Other improved functionality of Web 2.0 includes open communication with an emphasis on Web-based communities of users, and more open sharing of information. Over time Web 2.0 has been used more as a marketing term than a computer-science-based term. Blogs, wikis, and Web services are all seen as components of Web 2.0.

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The term web 2.0 is used to refer to a new generation of websites that are supposed to let people collaborate and share information online in ways that were not possible before.
With web 1.0, most websites consisted of static HTML pages. Later on, developers began to create web pages dynamically by retrieving information from a database and using a programming language to build pages from this information on the fly.
With web 2.0 websites are not only dynamic, but also highly interactive.
The term web 2.0 is used to refer to a new generation of websites that are supposed to let people collaborate and share information online in ways that were not possible before.
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