What is the difference between Transsexuals and Gays?

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Active Member
I always wanted to know the difference between them so i guess this is the best place to make a thread.

According to me Gays are those guys whom dress like normal men and like men and Transsexuals are those guys whom dress like women and like men.
What is your theory regarding this ?

A transexual is either one who is born with female genitalia but has no boobs, or has boobs with a cock and balls. It could also imply a sex change operation.

Gays simply prefer their own gender.
the different is individual's perspective on the definition of the word "transsexual" and "gay". they are what you perceive them to be.

i myself follow the dictionary's definition of the words. gay being someone who is sexually attracted to the same gender as themselves. and transsexual's being someone who is one gender but emotionally and mentally feels like the opposite sex. cross dressing doesn't necessarily HAVE to be in the picture when it comes to defining each of the words, but it's quite common when referencing gays, and especially common when it comes to transsexuals, both can and do do it.

this shouldn't even be in the debate section though, unless you're debating whether or not as a person you accept definitions of words via dictionary or define them some other way.
What Buddah said,
plus.. Its a thin line actually.. In both cases the individual thinks he would rather be born a woman, the transexual though is the one who does something about it and changes his/her body.

My uncles ex wife is a transexual. I have always known her as a woman, but about 10 years ago I was told he was actually a man. Could't tell! :P
A transexual is a person who has had or is in the process of having a sex change from one sex to the other.

"Gay" is often used to refer to homosexuals of both sex: a man who is sexually attracted to men, and also a woman who is sexually attracted to women.
just thought i'd like to point out that you guys are wrong.

a transsexual is someone who FEELS and THINKS like the opposite sex of themselves, which ALSO includes TRANSGENDERS. TRANSGENDERS being defined as people who DOES have a SEX CHANGE. You do NOT need to have a SEX CHANGE to be considered a transsexual.
A homosexual is a person who is sexually attracted to the same gender.

A transgender is someone who appears as or attempts to be the opposite sex, like a crossdresser or a transsexual.

Not all transgenders are homosexual. Not all homosexuals are transgenders.
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