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Mozilla Firefox is the best for advanced users. A lot of advantages, such as addons, scripts, speed & compatibility, features, security, good help & support compared with other browsers.
I also use OWASP Mantra browser, but it is outdated. TOR browser is best browser for Anonymity Online.
Been using Safari for a while (on Mac), but recently few websites won't work on it anymore? SoundCloud for instance. Switched to FireFox and I'm pretty satisfied
First of all Bing sucks. It says it doesn't hang up and it does. I have tried FF too and I thought that was slow. I also tried a new one called Vivialdi but i didn't like it. I use Chrome, it's simple, very fast and it doesn't need many bells & whistles cause it is so fast. It has a Flash built in too. I watch vids online all the time NP
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