Vicky Ho

Active Member
High anonymity proxy can tightly hide the real IP address of clients, with a high level of security, effectively protecting the privacy and identity of clients.

When using a high anonymity proxy, our real IP address will not appear anywhere, including in the request header, transmission protocol, or anywhere else. Therefore, it is very difficult for the target server to recognize the real address.

High anonymity proxy are suitable for scenarios with high security requirements, such as crawler data collection, logging into social media platforms such as TIKTOK/Facebook, etc. They can deceive target websites to achieve the purpose of concealing identity while avoiding IP blocking, making access more stable and secure.

Therefore, most of the proxies required for business on the market refer to high anonymity proxies. Here we recommend the 922S5Proxy, which provides a high anonymity exclusive proxy that can break through various restrictions and prevent blockages.
A specialized proxy, also known as a high anonymity proxy, is a particular kind of proxy server that masks the client's IP address and offers a high level of anonymity. It makes it harder for websites or services to identify or trace the user's genuine location or identity because it does not divulge any information about the client's original IP address to the destination server. When browsing the internet, this kind of proxy is frequently utilized for privacy and security reasons.
Your IP address is effectively hidden by a high anonymity proxy, making it difficult for websites to determine your true location or monitor your online activity. Your online presence will stay essentially untraceable thanks to its superior privacy and security features. When it comes to private chores and activities where anonymity is essential, high anonymity proxies are frequently preferred.