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they are selling the accounts in euro now :


The $13.93 = 1-month account (9.95 euro)
Edited: Yes as I see it they have either switched or are testing it on all traffic not just EU zone.

I also see in my Oron stats they're paying to affiliates at the converted rate Euro's to USD.

GEO targeting to EURO is well known and been tested in many industries, not just ours..

YES, EURO countries pay a higher price. I have even tested this theory myself in my other businesses.

You would think it would work better by simply charging the conversion of $9.95 right? Wrong :) the amount of people that still pay 9.95 Euro is far higher than the ones who feel ripped off and wont.

So all in all, I think they're doing a good thing. Maybe they should do it as I have mentioned above though, but it's upto them.

The USD is going to shit and will do so for quite a while to come, if not die all together with the way
they're going.

Also it would be great to have the option of being paid out in EUR for affiliates too. This way no conversions.
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