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I woke up at 9AM and I made myself a ham and cheese omelette for breakfast. It was deilicious as always. I left at 9:45AM because I start at work 10AM. I worked till 6PM and i've been on the internet since then. Now it is almost 2:30AM and i'm going offline now because I need some hours of sleep. It's a new day tomorrow and I start at 12PM.
LOL you freak! you need to find an activity that keeps you busy

Boredom+PC=Masturbation, for you I guess

lol no am not agree with you actutally please tell me the meaning of boredom..:P
nd second...6 times masturbate didint take mch time...i bored rest of d day then..<_<
Well I woke up 4 hours ago. Woke up and did my 20 min of cardio, after that had my first meal (eggs with some potatoes), surfing on net, then 2 hours later took my protein shake (2nd meal)... have workout later today, more meals, surfing on net and that's pretty much it..
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