Webhosting offshore FAST Will pay extra for.....

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1) Don't bother me if your a kid running a wbehosting company
2) I want fast speed for my forums and must be offshore
3) You must successfully migrate my cpanel account

A) my current hosting company backups dont work. it does not grab all the files inside public_html folder i even tried file manager.

B) They have some ip limiting when i try to download my forums it bans me from the server and cannot reach site . I even put 1 connection limit. they fucking suck and this is complete bullshit with these hosts that block people for BS reasons . it shouldnt take me 3 Fing days to upload patchs to to my forums

4) Must have good reviews on this site.
5) I will signup for 3 months after the first month and after 3 months give you a 25.00 bonus for good honest behavior and sign up for 3 more months

6) must accept paypal
7) does not have tight security levels that STOPS people from posting on the forums.
8) this is a plus must have some US timezone support prefer EST ..
all i want is a god damn stable fast host. I do not upload files.
send me a PM or talk to me here
9] i run 5 domains only 3 are active and i dont mean alot of people visit
I'm a good fair customer and i understand some downtime here and there but man im getting killed out there and sick of it ..
Show me what you got.
Thanks for reading
A desperate web master
do you mean you have active 3 sites or just 3 domains pointing to one site because if you running 3 sites then you going to be best on a vps
im running 3 domains on cpanel and i think they call it ad-don domain or sub domain
believe me they are shit sites does not have any traffic
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