Warez Sites gonna be Blocked [Bad News]

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Fuck the Government, fuck the MPAA, fuck the RIAA, fuck all government groups. I live in the USA and if I can't find a way to go on warez sites..I will gather a fuckload of people and riot in the streets of chicago with my fucking tec9's in each hand spilling the blood of EVERYONE in the government building downtown.
Fuck the Government, fuck the MPAA, fuck the RIAA, fuck all government groups. I live in the USA and if I can't find a way to go on warez sites..I will gather a fuckload of people and riot in the streets of chicago with my fucking tec9's in each hand spilling the blood of EVERYONE in the government building downtown.

Im not in the USA, but probably go with you and take my fuckin FAL with.

But dont worry people, there are thousands of ways to spread warez...they can ban domain names, but IRC, P2p, and of course you can still move your sites using ips instead of domain names....

I belive that blocking websites is the worst thing they can do. People will start buying pirate copies instead of downloading, and they will be cheaper and easier to find. There will be more piracy, thats for sure !

In argentina you can get a DVD MOVIE for 2 dolars. ITs cheap and will be cheaper !

Are they going to block google ? yahoo ?
Personally you can use proxies like a lot of people do if their view is censored. Anyway to be quite honest about this .. it will not happen..they may pass a law but it will not go into effect. It would involve privacy issues to tag users on the internet. Also can you imagine putting that many in a very overcrowded jail system now? And who is going to do this for them anyhow..not the internet companies or Google for sure!
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