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Hey i got an Wordpress Warez Blog which is very slow atm 60s load time
i got about 15k posts
im using w3 total cache and incapsula
any tips or plugins to improve the website speed ?
You are already using a better plugin. How big is the WP template you are using on your blog? i mean template size.

I think the WP slow thing has to do with the webhosting.

is it a shared/vps or dedi? and if its dedi/vps what plan did you choose and whats your site traffic on daily basis?

It would be better if you contact your host provider and optimize your website. :)
You can set latest 3 posts to shorten the content on the index page.
I would use total cache plugin instead because w3c used to load my VPS and increase first byte load time to 3 seconds. I used to have an autoblog and I thought I'd install w3c. With APC installed and minification and caching on your site will get slower to load . At least it was the case for me.
Try total cache plugin.
Also if you are using (which I think you are not) a CDN try not to use amazon CDN. They suck big time.

But I am also sure there are as many opinions as there are people.
My personal impression with w3total cache is it sucked.
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