Premium Plus - Profitable & Unlimited Storage | Keep Original & Multi Resolution


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Hello everyone!

We're excited to introduce our video hosting platform here at wjunction.

Key features:
- Unlimited Storage
- No Video Expiration
- Security
- Max File Size: 15GB
- Custom Domain
- Multi Quality
- Profitable Affiliate Program (0% Earning: Only 1 popad)
- Anti-Bot Embedcode
- Anti-Clone
- Anti-AdBlocker
- Legal adult/porn content is allowed

Earn Money:
- Views & Downloads are both counted, up to 2 user/IP within 24 hours.
- Video must be longer than 1 minute
- When ads are blocked, views & download are not counted
- No reward for automatic/bot download, attempting to bypass or do such thing that is unethical will result in immediate ban.
- Read More: Affiliate Program (

You can register here: (
If you have any suggestions, please do not hesitate to post your suggestion here.
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We made a backup of our database a couple hours ago. If something went wrong, we might need the backup and lost some of your recently uploaded videos. But we are trying our best not let that happened. And a few minutes of maintenance might happen.
When will the site and video be available? any news?
@VidGuard yes now everything seems to be working again, thanks for fixing everything, the only thing that doesn't work is the links with the domain no longer work, it would be possible to have an automatic redirect to the new domain, as happens with the links with the domain which are automatically redirected to the new domain Thanks
@VidGuard yes now everything seems to be working again, thanks for fixing everything, the only thing that doesn't work is the links with the domain no longer work, it would be possible to have an automatic redirect to the new domain, as happens with the links with the domain which are automatically redirected to the new domain Thanks
@VidGuard yes now everything seems to be working again, thanks for fixing everything, the only thing that doesn't work is the links with the domain no longer work, it would be possible to have an automatic redirect to the new domain, as happens with the links with the domain which are automatically redirected to the new domain Thanks
same question
@VidGuard yes now everything seems to be working again, thanks for fixing everything, the only thing that doesn't work is the links with the domain no longer work, it would be possible to have an automatic redirect to the new domain, as happens with the links with the domain which are automatically redirected to the new domain Thanks
It is no longer possible because the domain got suspended. Sad to say.
We currently do not support that, can you create a ticket or PM me and send me the video so I can forward it to our team to review?.

i added a video to check the player, the video plays in desktop but in mobile it shows error The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not is the video link
also the multi language video link is here.
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