Premium Plus - Profitable & Unlimited Storage | Keep Original & Multi Resolution


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Hello everyone!

We're excited to introduce our video hosting platform here at wjunction.

Key features:
- Unlimited Storage
- No Video Expiration
- Security
- Max File Size: 15GB
- Custom Domain
- Multi Quality
- Profitable Affiliate Program (0% Earning: Only 1 popad)
- Anti-Bot Embedcode
- Anti-Clone
- Anti-AdBlocker
- Legal adult/porn content is allowed

Earn Money:
- Views & Downloads are both counted, up to 2 user/IP within 24 hours.
- Video must be longer than 1 minute
- When ads are blocked, views & download are not counted
- No reward for automatic/bot download, attempting to bypass or do such thing that is unethical will result in immediate ban.
- Read More: Affiliate Program (

You can register here: (
If you have any suggestions, please do not hesitate to post your suggestion here.
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You are probably using 2 different network, check the config of you modem/router.
the video works, so yes, maybe it's like you said
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You are probably using 2 different network, check the config of you modem/router.
Couldn't you check on your own? I have this problem on some videos, and I'm surprised to be the only one to have this problem, so your users don't check the uploaded videos.
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the video works, so yes, maybe it's like you said
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Couldn't you check on your own? I have this problem on some videos, and I'm surprised to be the only one to have this problem, so your users don't check the uploaded videos.
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from my side evething fine
works fine? we have no problems
Status: Resolving address of
Status: Connection attempt failed with "EAI_NONAME - Neither nodename nor servname provided, or not known".
Error: Could not connect to server
Status: Waiting to retry...
Status: Resolving address of
Status: Connection attempt failed with "EAI_NONAME - Neither nodename nor servname provided, or not known".
Error: Could not connect to server
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FTP worked for me until yesterday, now only web upload
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