Premium Plus - Profitable & Unlimited Storage | Keep Original & Multi Resolution


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Hello everyone!

We're excited to introduce our video hosting platform here at wjunction.

Key features:
- Unlimited Storage
- No Video Expiration
- Security
- Max File Size: 15GB
- Custom Domain
- Multi Quality
- Profitable Affiliate Program (0% Earning: Only 1 popad)
- Anti-Bot Embedcode
- Anti-Clone
- Anti-AdBlocker
- Legal adult/porn content is allowed

Earn Money:
- Views & Downloads are both counted, up to 2 user/IP within 24 hours.
- Video must be longer than 1 minute
- When ads are blocked, views & download are not counted
- No reward for automatic/bot download, attempting to bypass or do such thing that is unethical will result in immediate ban.
- Read More: Affiliate Program (

You can register here: (
If you have any suggestions, please do not hesitate to post your suggestion here.
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No worries, we are just applying some backend update so we had to shutdown the app service.
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We are very sorry about that. A user requested a feature and our tech found a bug on our system so they had to update it for security purpose
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Hi. I noticed one thing.
I requested payment two days ago (ID #1008) and as I previously mentioned in thread I received it, though it was never deducted and removed off my current balance while new earnings are added there, please look into it and remove already received payment so I can request next time only new earnings without a problem, thank you. :relaxed:
Hi. I noticed one thing.
I requested payment two days ago (ID #1008) and as I previously mentioned in thread I received it, though it was never deducted and removed off my current balance while new earnings are added there, please look into it and remove already received payment so I can request next time only new earnings without a problem, thank you. :relaxed:

This could be a bug, thank you for reporting this to us.
all videos cannot be played :(
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all videos cannot be played :(

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my first payment received within just several hours :champagne_glass::grin:
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all videos cannot be played :(
i have the same problem when the video is big or in good quality

when it's small and short it works fine

so sometimes it doesn't load and then I refresh the page and it works :thinking:
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my first payment received within just several hours :champagne_glass::grin:
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i have the same problem when the video is big or in good quality

when it's small and short it works fine

so sometimes it doesn't load and then I refresh the page and it works :thinking:
We have already fixed that bug when he PMed me. Big videos should take time for them to play since they have to download the video.