Videobb - Make Up to $30 - Upload Videos and Make $$$

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Good afternoon,

After more than 6 months using videobb and very happy with it. Pagan point and my one of the best.
This morning I have come that have blocked my account:
Account blocked due to Has Been abuse of videobb Terms and Conditions.
The point is that I do not pornographic material or anything that breaches the rules. You know if the account unlocked? As may be slow to unlock the account?

I sent a mail, but for now I have no answer.

Thank you very much and see if you can give me a little help.

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if we embed a video on a page (600x400) after few min layer ads appear and there is no close button for close the ads. close button is only appear if the embed player size more than 720px wide.
Hey VBB,

I haven't been able to use the remote upload very well with Fileserve. All the videos are going directly to the "Failed" tab and after contacting support they haven't been very helpful. I have been asked what video this is happening to, however, this is happening to all the videos. I believe more users (and you too) are losing a lot of money on this, since I heard from other people that this is happening to them too.

Please fix quickly :)
Thank you
i did not get money in transfer still from tuesday i request for payout but money did't get come in transfer so how can i click on transfer...
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