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they are off the schedule little bit. same on vodlocker wondering if they will pay this week on vodlocker. got payment last time on wednesday after waiting little bit more than week and requested same day hope they pay.

Similar thing happened to me with vodlocker. I cashed out on July 26 and got paid on August 2. So a week. Maybe just a bit off schedule, as you said.
did you request payment on august 2?
they are off the schedule little bit. same on vodlocker wondering if they will pay this week on vodlocker. got payment last time on wednesday after waiting little bit more than week and requested same day hope they pay.

Similar thing happened to me with vodlocker. I cashed out on July 26 and got paid on August 2. So a week. Maybe just a bit off schedule, as you said.
nothing. something like this have not happened in long time. anyone managed to contact them about this?

Added after 17 Hours 7 minutes:

Got paid yesterday. Thank you vodlocker!
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right now vodlocker pays 5$ for 10.000 views and vidbull 16$ for 10.000 on tier 1 so its time to say goodbay after 4 years....sorry vid and vod

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yeah stats seriously down...

Added after 19 Hours 14 minutes:

well I give them the number of days until I reach my next minimums and if rates don't get fixed I'll just say goodbye with a farewell payment... :) the actual rates doesn't worth the time and effort of an uploader anymore
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too bad that's happening tho, I loved these sites... but it's painful to watch that some sites get me more for few hundred visitors than them for thousands
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