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- nice favicon
- logo is good and matches skin although the skin is very plain and ugly
- scripts list is longer then warez section...
- the whats going on box at the bottom has alot going on, clean it up
- add more content/submit to katz and other ddls to get traffic
Seems like theres nothing to review, you are using vb4 default skin.

If you still wanna use that skin, get a new logo at least.
-Definitely work on a new logo
-Reduce the # of forum sections
-The section at the bottom is too big (one with the stats and what not)
This is what I like to call an "Out of the Box Site". All you've done is installed vb, added a logo and ran a leeching app for a few minutes which takes about 30 minutes. Their's not much I can say beside the fact that the site you leeched from has different size bbcode tags.
Yeah, I only ran the leeching thing to make it look abit active otherwise no one would join a dead site.

Anyway. Thanks for the input guys, appreciated even if it wasn't all good.
To be honest, I agree with Mr Happy. It looks like you have installed vB, thrown a logo together, stuck up a favicon, ran a leecher and asked for a review.

By the way, most people won't join your site, just because you have got loads of content. People want quality, not quantity. Be unique, do your own uploads.

Overall, I give it a 2/10.
Thank you for your support. The scripts forum has been sorted out, the "What's going on" has been reduced and now we're on the look out for a new skin which should hopefully come within this week.
Definitely a lot better than before. :)

The only things I can see that need changing now is the favicon and logo, apart from them, great job mate (y)
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