UploKing.com - Earn up to $30 for 1000 downloads!

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what do you mean Uploking. And May I see the status where you see that I downloaded my own files from different location.
You logged to your account from more then 250 different IP and download your own files. If you want ask somthing write PM.
No I don't want to PM you. IF I logged from 250 different IPs then there is a reason.

I logged from 2 RDP accounts and 3-5 Times demo RDP account.

And I use two Inetenet connection and both have dynamic IP address. Some time I access my account through Mobile.

I need only 2 RDP IPs 3-5 demo RDP IPs

you just provide me here only 30 IPs through which I logged in on my Account and I will leave your thread.

I am waiting for your reply.

Added after 6 minutes:

And please don't provide my dynamic IP address which starts from 59.xxx.xxx.xxx and 117.xxx.xxx.xxx
Except this you have to provide me 30 different IP address.
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I like UploKing as its a really great filehost & I also honor ILHFFS as an old & good member of WJ..
That's why as a neutral position I would like to request UploKing to show the proof to here for all the members so that we may also know that whose the real Cheater!
so please UploKing, don'tkeep it between u two through the PMs & let us know about it :) at least we also deserved to know the truth, don't we? :)

I would like to request the honorable Admin/Mod to review the proof & also permanently banned the real Cheater..because a Cheater doesn't deserved to set his/her foot here in WJ to spoil the environment & manipulate the mind of the normal users!

Do you guys agree with me about this?
1st of all i dont want to explain how our system is working. If you go to bank and ask how to rob them, i dont think you will get an answer. Also logged from dynamic ip is not proof anything because still i dont know why did you download same file many times a day.
We know about dynamic ip but we are not going to tolerate downloading own files. I can understand 2-3 downloads, but there is a lot more.
As you can see in this thread we paid to many users, and we are still paying. I think it is the best proof.
ILHFFS honestly even if you cheat you not deserve ban :) because your cheat it`s not connected with wjunction... but if UploKing cheat his members he deserve ban on the moment forever.. because he advertise his site here in wjunction.. let see what will post UploKing...


are you kidding ? he don`t want from you to explain how work your system.. he want proof with 30 IP i think you can`t show proof and start to write stupid answers which are not connected with the question... so please don`t play hide and seek just show proof.. people who work with your host deserve that.. how they can be sure you will not cancel their payment after 2 weeks for stupid reason without proof ?
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I thought downloaded files from my own account aren't counted/generating any money. So I can't understand this decision.

UploKing mate, seriously I do like you & consider you as one of the good support..& I've also inspired my downloaders to use your site more & more :)
but we didn't ask you to explain us about your system! so don't talk about anything else which is irrelevant for this serious matter!
many users said that u've paid them which is good enough for us to believe that you really pay. However, on the other hand, ILHFFS is the old WJ member who never got accusation of being cheater (as far as I know). That's why we just want to know the truth with the proof!
so Just show us the proof that he downloaded his own files so many times that forced you to reject his payment request..
I believe u'll co operate with us as we know that u r always a great support for us :)
More then 150. Discussion here is really useless. We can do it only one way. I am going pay you money but right after that we will close your account. I think its fair.
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