UploKing.com - Earn up to $30 for 1000 downloads!

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So here is an example-link.


It appears directly the downloadpage and then ever the download failed after the captcha. The download only starts if the http://short.yt appears first.

And you are really funny, i haven't the time to test hundreds of files to see if this http://short.yt Site appears or not.
I just checked and its working fine without short.yt
where is the option to copy files ?
You can find copy button on down of website.
there is no option copy

I still do not have the option to sort files by name, was supposed to be ready a long time, the lack of opportunities like a copy of the files and the possibility exists. Please show
where available.
I don't wanna always criticize!

Webupload is working really good since days and after deleting all Uploking-Cookies download is working.

Now i'm waiting for the cheaper price for Premium from earnings.

I still do not have the option to sort files by name, was supposed to be ready a long time, the lack of opportunities like a copy of the files and the possibility exists. Please show
where available.

I have that problem too
should I get premium account to have those option?
If not
please fix my account:metti66
This was sarcasm because they always say tomorrow. Fact is they wanted to implement this 2 weeks ago.

Amateurs. They not really know what to do.
i use chrome and i can see the captcha, i have not try in firefox but i have noticed after to enter the captcha if u click the enter key it just refresh the page and u have to click download again, you have to click the download now button, im sure some ppl will try to press the key enter after the captcha and they wont be able to download and they will give up after some many tries :P
captcha does not show up !!!
this is very important for visitor download please
this is the link
please reply

I know from my own experience that when the captcha just keeps spinning it means the file is not available at the moment or something has happened to the file.
When that happened to a couple of my files I just deleted the old ones & re upped them.

If people can't figure out how to download or don't know what to do when they are redirected to a click through page,they shouldn't be allowed to use the internet.
People like that are the reason they have to put the "do not use while you're in the shower" warning on hair dryers.

All joking aside,a lot of boards only allow direct links.So,ya,the redirect could cause problems if people start complaining to board admins about it.
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