Umm.. A Fly Stuck Under My Eyelid (No Joke) lol

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Alright, so I am just sitting here updating some servers. When all of the sudden this fly keeps nose diving at my face. No matter how many times i swat at the thing it still keeps coming back for more. (3 second memory)..

The very last time I failed to see it coming my way as I was focused on my laptop. It flew directly into my eye and I instantly put my hand over my eye. Natural response is to blink. When i blinked the fly got caught up under my eyelid and well... IT HURT LOL. I just spent 15 minutes rinsing my eye out with water and contact solution!

What is the nastiest confrontation you have incurred with a bug? This def. has to be mine!
When i was a lot younger i went camping quite often. One time when i went camping we forgot to zip up everything properly so that nothing could get in and just before that i was eating a load of sweets and kinda fell asleep with them around me and on me. When i woke up i saw a tonne of ants inside the tent on my arms, clothes, FACE! I was only 12 at the time, worst day of my life.
Oh wow that is horrible! How did you get all of the ants off of you? Just wipe them off? Luckily they were not fire ants! That is horrible to experience, let alone experience as a kid.
Two three years back I was riding my bike when all of a sudden from no where came a stinky bug hitting straight into my eyes and oh god it smelled so bad and hurt my eyes almost that i was about to fall but managed to stop and had a water bottle along with me, took around 10-15minutes to open my eye and then that day my eye was reddish :D

Thanks to that I slept in my class. :P

And I feel for you bro.
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