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Active Member
Twitter followers - 1000 for 5$ Only

Hey mates, I've been selling twitter followers since quite some time and I thought maybe it's time that I make a thread here too , Well here I am.

You would ask, why Me ?

1. The delivery will be fast and promising.
2. The followers won't unfollow you until and unless there's inactivity , though you won't still be affected at large.
3. The schemes are relatively cheaper.
4. No personal details like the account password will be required.
5. Just the username of the account where followers are needed will do the work.

Schemes Updated:

5$ - 1000 (+200) Followers
10$ - 2200 (+100) Followers
15$ - 3300 (+200) Followers
20$ - 5300 (+300) Followers
25$ - 10000 (+400) Followers
40$ - 20000 (+500) Followers
55$ - 30000 (+600) Followers
70$ - 40000 (+700) Followers
85$ - 50000 (+800) Followers
100$ - 60000 (+1000) Followers

Special Offer Till 6 Feb 2012 , I am giving out free followers on each plan , check above , the + sign indicates the extra followers which I am giving out.

Now 500 followers review copies are being given out for max. 5 members , PM me if you want one.

PS : Usually delivery will be made within 48 hours , in times of high demands it may take upto 3 days.

Note : To avoid getting mass e-mail notifications about new followers , change your twitter settings.

Payment Options :

Paypal ( Coming Soon )

Contact :

You can also PM me.
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Are you accepting paypal yet? :)

Not yet , sorry for the delay , but well I am trying :)

i wonder if i make a fake tweet profile and add my website page with it websites like

if i spend some hours daily i get real followers then whats the use of spending money for this

and more over people use some script for this to get more followers and direct them to other clients

and the both are same they will stay if they like ur page if not they will quit

i fell it's useless to spend money for buying twitter followers
no offense it's just my opinion
correct me if m wrong

it's my personal experience
i just got fans and tweets from those websites with out penny

That's indeed your personal opinion.

A few things I would like to make clear though :

1.The followers don't unfollow at a large , if you order a bulk only like 100 will unfollow among the thousands you ordered for and it's good that you are able to get followers without resorting to this , but seem people do need this , i assure not more than 100-200 will unfollow :D

2.Clients have their own free will :) they aren't really forced into it , maintain activity and don't spam up too much and they won't unfollow you.
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