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Greetings everyone, I would like to present you an affiliate program 'Torrent Imperium', and propose you an additional way of your web site monetization.

Regular rates: $2,5 for a trial purchase, and $30 for a yearly subscription to our service (it is at least $20-30 per 1k unique visits, but depending on quality of your traffic you can do much more).
Refferal rates: $2 per subscription.

We'll be happy to provide increased rates to VIP partners

Our software is a product, that searches and allows to download files from our huge database (containing almost all known filesharing services) so user gets, what he or she searched for.

We pay every 20 day of the month for all previous month via Epese, Web Money, Wire transfer.
Also we pay by demand from $500 anytime.

You'll need an invitation code to register, which you can get via e-mail:, or via icq: 58775785.
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Well, we are now working on the Pay Per Signup (Pay Per Sale), but will soon expand the opportunities for conversion with an unique combination of per install and per signup schemes.
User receives the first version of our software with a simplified, but nevertheless sufficient functionality to meet its needs for loading the desired content, but we strive for the best. At the moment we are developing a full-fledged media client, which we are sure going become a first program user opens after booting its pc:)

For promo we have landing pages, or if u need, we could provide some DLE modules.
You can send traffic to search result list or directly to download page, setting filename directly in url.

Also any countries accepted - so you can send even IN, ID, CH etc. Everything convers, but of course US, CA, Europe are preferable:)

Here are some average example of our stats:

You can se here: 38k unique traffic - $830

I'll gladly answer any additional questions you have.
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Hmm, isn't loading right now.

The computers that run are having some trouble. Usually this is just a temporary problem, so you might want to try again in a few minutes..................
38k unique traffic for 830$ you shouldnt have posted that, thats shitty earnings from that amount of traffic, i turn 5000uniques into 800$ using sites such as sharingzone, associatepay, crowdgravity, so your site dont seem good choice.
An invitation code is needed for registration?
yes. sent u one in PM

38k unique traffic for 830$ you shouldnt have posted that, thats shitty earnings from that amount of traffic, i turn 5000uniques into 800$ using sites such as sharingzone, associatepay, crowdgravity, so your site dont seem good choice.
You should make a remark, that ratio highly depends from quality of traffic;)
To gain access to promotional materials, please contact our support. icq 58775785 Please, contact our support if you want to have acces to Promo matherials. icq 58775785

Please help! Sorry,

I first use. : D

You can help me!

user: tyyahoo

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