Top Warez Forum Websites to WORK


Active Member
Hi All users,
I am here today to share with you some of my sorted and searched warez forum where the owners are still alive and managing the forum in good manners. I have seen there was a huge list in my pocked at 2008-2013. But from now days when i go through over my search engines and friends bookmarks many and many forums are dead.

Here i am sharing a little with you of forum forums which are still UP and uploaders are available on them with good work. I have set my criteria to judge the forum worth and working condition that forum should have at last 25-K topics alive on their forum.

Viewing Only Blogs listed below
I have seen many names which were like forum but owner of these domains have converted them into Wordpress, DLE, Blogger and pther CMS. Beside this I will consider the site which is based on forum environment. As everyone knows there is 2018 a new year is going to be started. Everyone has and must be their wished and goals to get with new remarks. so I will update this list on monthly basis with your little help also.
If you may find any forum in any language but al least have more than 20K topic overall than please inform i will surely added into it.
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in the pharadox you can't share, you have to pay for it.
Yes and they hide the forum stats.


I think it's just an ordinary forum with no future.
Yes and they hide the forum stats.


I think it's just an ordinary forum with no future.
they have max 500 visitors daily
Very serious forum [2a02:c207:2021:517::1])
ASN: AS51167
Country: DE
Registration Date: 2010-06-11
Registrar: ripencc
also Belinux you selling contabo servers lol
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Sorry Brother - you are outdate :-p this project has been sold to an UAE client :)
your informations are very old.. and rest of them about visitors you can only guess the ideas. Keep it up. we love to hear your words always.
@SavkeUltras i can only reply with the information in my hand, because i was made co-coordinator by admin when i have seen that a person buying many domains to redirect them to TP and bringing it back. He was an owner of software house in Gulf. might be from old team. and many things i know more which you can not propose 100% at any cost :) so thats why i said i love to hear your words hahahahhahahah
@SavkeUltras i can only reply with the information in my hand, because i was made co-coordinator by admin when i have seen that a person buying many domains to redirect them to TP and bringing it back. He was an owner of software house in Gulf. might be from old team. and many things i know more which you can not propose 100% at any cost :) so thats why i said i love to hear your words hahahahhahahah
but you are told me how is my info outdated ipv6 is connected to which is hosted on contabo bro so my info is fresh..
Yes and cpanel360 is connected to
Return-Path: <>
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That is your signature :D
^If you want to make money, start working lol. Dont sell us that you are co-coordinator....

Also, this topic is DIRECT ADVERTISING for selling uploader position for warez. If anything it should be at the bottom of the list you have. Not First. And mentioned that you need to pay to post.

Warez-BB should be on top. In this list and in all the next. Not some forum that requires users to pay so they can post. Thats why you will never succeed. If you want to make money. Delete the forum and create a blog. It will have more sense ;)

*Please edit your post and mention that you need to pay.

At least 5 of your 'forums' are blogs. You need to remove them since they are outdated..
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@xwmario right, i am partially agreed with your point of view - and matter of concern is right now that time changes many things, and things goes little bit change to sustain the values of identity from time to time. right now most of the things that are relate to a user which comes for anything to download are free in all general means.
Lets hope for good and bright future of online communities. :)