
So, my vidup message was seen, but completely ignored. It obviously didn't even warrant a response. I guess that means vidup is now a dead dog and won't be coming back. On my other account I did get a response, and they are paying BTC payments today for thevideo (they specifically said 'thevideo' which again makes me think that vidup will be no more).

Are you going to stop using thevideo once you get paid from them? It's crazy how much money they owe you on vidup and they don't pay! I know I've had similar things happen to me and on one of the hosts, you can't delete your files. So one of the biggest frustrations is seeing them continue to get hits on my files, but not pay me. Good luck. I hope they still pay you.
Hello I have a account and have used them for about 6 months.. They paid every time, sometimes was late and random but they always paid until the new year since I requested my January Payment on 12-28-15 a couple days early from the 30th so I would get my payment within the 1-10th like they say they are supposed too.

No I have more money pending and I cannot even request it because they have not paid me for January.

Does anyone else use this service? It used to be so reliable and was my go to affiliate for streaming videos.

Anyone else have any experiences with them at all or lately?
It's an odd one. They have two websites, so they sorta double earn. If I can't trust the one website, then how do I trust the other? The thing for me is that I tend to use long established websites so I don't have that worry of them closing down continually. I know thevideo have recently paid, which is fair enough, but surely, instead of paying all the small payouts on the same site only a week later, it would be far more beneficial to clear the larger payments on their other site and start bringing that one up to date? The thing is, when you get a generic response, it doesn't really tell you anything. If you miss their message by a few minutes, they won't respond to your reply either, so it's like starting all over again. I have said they are welcome to pit my small payments on hold on thevideo, and just pay the vidup one for now, but nothing. That probably means I won't get either. Also, they said in their message yesterday that BTC payments would be released today for thevideo. Well I haven't had mine yet.
If they gonna turn into a scum, Y they paid in there first round? That is the only curiosity left for me. Now I got 22 pending on theVideo via Bitcoin.anyway I temporally stopped uploading there.

If they gonna tun in to positive again. I will upload again.

TheVideo ,such a good host. It will be a big lost, if they turned in to a scum. :facepalm:
I've delved a little deeper into their live chat thing, and basically, it's a disppointment. They are able to filter live messages so that they only get messages from premium members and high earners etc, that's why most of us regular people don't get a response.

I have contacted the live chat owners to say I don't think this is fair, and its segregation, but who knows. If anyone wants to get a premium account, I bet you get a quick response.
omfg they actually paid me. well im very happy and at the same time disappointed for the long delay. gonna continue using them and hope for the best. never had problems with them in the past but shit happens. hope they step there game up for good.
If they gonna turn into a scum, Y they paid in there first round? That is the only curiosity left for me. Now I got 22 pending on theVideo via Bitcoin.anyway I temporally stopped uploading there.

If they gonna tun in to positive again. I will upload again.

Maybe try changing to Payza? Thevideo told me Skrill was a problem and I went back to Payza and they still stalled, but finally paid. And it looks like Aff.I.Am got paid today too. And if I'm not mistaken, Aff.I.Am also went from Skrill to Payza. So maybe it's the same with Bitcoin? Just a thought. They'll still make you sweat it out I'm sure, but maybe at least they'll pay you...
Well well well, I'm just popping by to let you all know that I have been paid. That's from both my accounts on 'thevideo', And my outstanding from vidup. Needless to say, I'm a very happy chappy this Saturday morning, and the pub is now beckoning
Well well well, I'm just popping by to let you all know that I have been paid. That's from both my accounts on 'thevideo', And my outstanding from vidup. Needless to say, I'm a very happy chappy this Saturday morning, and the pub is now beckoning 

I'm really happy for you Horrorspoke! They owed you a LOT of money. :-)
If they gonna turn into a scum, Y they paid in there first round? That is the only curiosity left for me. Now I got 22 pending on theVideo via Bitcoin.anyway I temporally stopped uploading there.

If they gonna tun in to positive again. I will upload again.

Maybe try changing to Payza? Thevideo told me Skrill was a problem and I went back to Payza and they still stalled, but finally paid. And it looks like Aff.I.Am got paid today too. And if I'm not mistaken, Aff.I.Am also went from Skrill to Payza. So maybe it's the same with Bitcoin? Just a thought. They'll still make you sweat it out I'm sure, but maybe at least they'll pay you...

[FONT=proxima_nova_rgbold]young_golem, Hey buddy, [/FONT]
I got paid via Bitcoin. Looks like they are back in the business. I am very happy for the other users who got paid. Thank you so much for the WJ users who comment here to share there experience with theVideo. A big cheers goes to theVideo
As an up-loader we have to think about both the users and webmasters. Some users are addict to TheVideo and some are for others. In the other hand we have to show our gratitude to the webmasters who are allowing to submit links to there sites.Webmasters are mainly earning form ads which is displayed on there sites.Users will not come back again to the site, if there are no links from there favorite host. The competition among sites are really high. If some one would not able to find a proper link from a site, they can visit 100 of more sites intently using major search engines.So we have to look both sides.Not only our side.This is not just about earning money. This is about enjoying while earning.I am not a jumbo linker. I do not earn even 5$ a day.Yet I like what I am doing.I just taste a cup of green tea while submitting few links per day. I am very newbie to this job.I am still learning from master up-loaders.I tried to contact with some big up-loaders to ask some of there tricks.I got nothing.And I can not blame them,because if they reviled it,there will be an huge competition.I also like to earn very much.Hope some day that I also will become a big earner.Who knows may be I will failed.May be success.May be I will be able to learn something from WJ users.