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Active Member
Hello Uploaders,

I want to buy a Auto poster like themaposter but before that i want to ask that is it really usefull? Is there any diferrence between manual posting in 4-10 forums and posting with themaposter? Please reply,.

Thank you
@ Jayantaslam

It may save you a little time, but honestly if you're just posting to a few forums
using themaPoster would just be overkill.

themaPoster may help you to organize your posting and routine better though for sure
and it does include quite a nice list of decent forums.

So, it's really up to what you intend on doing Jayantaslam, it's a good investment to
make if you plan on expanding and posting more heavily for sure.

Best of luck Jayantaslam.

P.S, if you need themaPoster feel free to contact me, I am an official reseller and
can issue themaPoster licences and accept purchases by many different payment platforms. PayPal etc :)
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Thema poster is great, according to my friends.

Edited due to personal reason, sorry for those who had been offended.
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My Suggestion, Open Up A Thread Saying That You have Bought An Auto-Poster & Request Admins or People Over Here To Give Their Site Links Where You Can Post Your Uploads :) Buy It, Really Helpful! :)
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