The Japanese Earthquake and Tsunami – Natural or Artificial?

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In a recent article, renowned Pakistani columnist Nusrat Mirza accused the U.S. of artificially causing the March 11, 2011 earthquake and tsunami in Japan, calling the radiation leaks resulting from damage to nuclear plants the U.S.’s “second nuclear attack†on the Japanese nation. He argued that the March earthquake was artificially caused by the U.S. X-37B spaceplane just six days after it was launched.

“Whenever the U.S. Spaceplane X-37B is Sent Into Space – A Natural Disaster Occurs Somewhere in the Worldâ€
“Whenever the U.S. space plane X-37B is sent into space, a natural disaster occurs somewhere in the world. Last year, on April 22, this shuttle was launched into space to spy on Persian Gulf, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Korean waters, and if needed, to attack anywhere. Also, this spaceplane can make use of HARRP technology [out of Alaska], and natural disasters can be artificially brought about.
“After the plane’s launch into space, Pakistan was hit by an unusual monsoon on July 26, 2010, which brought extraordinary destruction… During that monsoon, Pakistan suffered a loss of $43 billion; 2,000 people died, and around one-fifth of the country was submerged in floods. However, it was fortunate that the country’s nuclear weapons program remained safe during that disaster, and had also been safe during the 2005 earthquake, by Allah’s grace.
“Although the earthquake struck the country’s mountainous region [in Pakistani Kashmir], some people say that it was an artificial one, and that HARRP technology was used to cause this earthquake. According to some people, certain powers believed that Pakistan‘s nuclear assets were in this mountainous region; the Khushab nuclear assets [in Pakistan's Punjab province] would have probably been the target of the flooding. This is believed because it is being said that the March 11 earthquake and tsunami in Japan also were artificial, because this tragedy occurred just six days after the U.S. X-37B spaceplane was launched into space on March 5, 2011.â€

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usa are the first that try to face the nature... and you see... a little bit of wind, a little bit of water and they start to cry...
no offence but its the truth.. and the same with all the other nations!!
there's actually a show called conspiracy theory with jesse ventura and he looks into a weather machine. the show is quit simialr to Myth Busters, except based on Conspiracies. Its only a conspiracy because someone has hidden the truth. Facts dont hide, they are out there and smack people in the face. The issue is, you have to "Prove" it. and these guys have been lieing for years. Its known as HAARP. the US and china have one. Its supposedly the explanation for the northern lights. it was originally created to help people but bought by the US military AKA the death ray. The ultimate war machine, no traces. I didn't think anything of it really, but the more you look into these natural disasters, the more what these guys say seems to be validated. I'm in Korea and told my father of this. he obviously thinks its BS. however, based on what they say, IF what they say is true, then there should have been some sort of activity in Alaska with the northern lights. I went online and looked it up a few days earlier. There was "something" traveling from NA to ASIA and was captured by satellites. Scientists have brought this up, but nothing has happened since. What what extremely strange was the convenience of the snow falling after the issue with overheating subsided. what was every MORE weird was the fact that in Korea, the temps dropped dramatically when it was snowing in Japan. Now THAT makes no sense at all.

The machine was originally designed to bring water to countered without water, and remove rain from countries flooded by rain. The son of the inventor of this machine is interviewed by Jesse Ventura and does a demonstration of this. In nature, there are NO coincidences. The order in which these things are happening are as a calculated plan.

There are a group of people who feel they are the rightful leaders of all man kind. They have decided that the world is overpopulated. Do some research and add to this and hopefully we'll find out what really going on, one day.
There are a group of people who feel they are the rightful leaders of all man kind. They have decided that the world is overpopulated. Do some research and add to this and hopefully we'll find out what really going on, one day.
change your dealer, he's adding some nasty stuff to shit you're smoking.
To the people replied in this topic: You watch too much television.

I can go on for hours on how the world leaders are planning everything, from natural disasters, to wars, to the media (TV, news, reality shows), until the games, educational system, fake financial crises and everything to keep you (us) dumb and uneducated.. But im afraid you are too close-minded for me to even waste my time typing.. So i prefer to go and watch a movie. kthxbai
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