Suggestions on route for personal blog - free hosting or pay hosting?

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Hi all,

I'm planning to start a blog of content that I have collected from the net. It falls under the boundary of SFW/NSFW, but lets just say NSFW (not porn though). I have unique content lined up for the blog, just wondering what I should do. I am initially just trying to build an audience and maybe later on try to monetize the content I share to cover more than the hosting costs.

First should I go with a free hosted blog, such as on or sensualwriter? Or go with paid hosting with wordpress (i've heard that wordpress on your own host is second to none when blogging). or is there another option?

Second what are some decent hosting sites that you'd recommend for WordPress.

Tips on proper places to advertise my blog and its content. Are there Softcore image forums that allow advertising in their forum (through posts or at least in the archives if used for sharing ?) Or is just commenting on other blog posts and submitting the links through do-follow sites.

Other than that any comments or questions or critiques that would aid in me solidifying my plan would be greatly appreciated.

Everything else will be appreciated as well :D
first of all, you can start with free using your own domain name BUT its not Under your control at if you have the funds, try for would get a domain and hosting for under 10$ to start out
It depends on what kind of blog do you want to make. It's a bit hard to make the group of people who would visit your blog daily, but if you have the right content. It'll be easy! ;)

Thing about the hosting .. Yes, I'd recommend you the free Blog hosting on, it's owned by Google. And there's an option to UPGRADE! Yes. You can buy the domain for your blog directly from Google through GoogleApps (cost is 10$ per year), and you'd be hosted for free by them. Is there any better hosting than the Google's one?!

I think no. Because there can't be any real downtime..
You should purchase hosting package
And not store for free. That some of the sites after a while Nissgreem and you can not get their support this very important matter
first of all, you can start with free using your own domain name BUT its not Under your control at if you have the funds, try for would get a domain and hosting for under 10$ to start out

I'm not familiar with these, is that domain and hosting for under 10$/month? I've looked into hostgator and bluehost for WordPress hosting so far, as they have been recommended. Do you have any particular host recommendations?

It depends on what kind of blog do you want to make. It's a bit hard to make the group of people who would visit your blog daily, but if you have the right content. It'll be easy! ;)

Thing about the hosting .. Yes, I'd recommend you the free Blog hosting on, it's owned by Google. And there's an option to UPGRADE! Yes. You can buy the domain for your blog directly from Google through GoogleApps (cost is 10$ per year), and you'd be hosted for free by them. Is there any better hosting than the Google's one?!

I think no. Because there can't be any real downtime..

I have a personal blog with blogger at the moment, but I have never seen the option of upgrading? I looked up GoggleApps the cost is 50$/year. I couldn't find their hosting / domain options within blogger.

Also since the content of my blog is generally SFW but has NSFW would google be okay hosting a blog like that?
Thanks for the help Jason.

Just an additional question, if in the future I choose to move to another host would it be possible to still use the registered domain from google?

I have also read on DP forums that staying on blogspot and google hosting still limits you as your blog can be closed down at any time? There are examples of AutoBlogs that stole content but google labelled the original blog as a spam blog.

But for now I'll start uploading content and posts to my blogspot. Just to think up an attractive domain name.

Well, yeah.. Such stuff happens, but if your blog is totally legit you have nothing to worry about.

And, yes you'd be able to create/change name servers of the domain..
Yes, but not in every case. As an example, for my site I have picked a part of the site's mission for the domain name.

"Mission of our site is quite simple, we want to show to the people that they were never against the pornography. Those who secretly like pornography, and when they're with their friends or family, they're against it just because they think that "pornography" is somewhat of a taboo for them and their society. Life is short, why spend it in hating someone because of their actions, but in enjoying in some of the things they have done. That's wrong, and you're not a good person if you're like that. Make a change, register so you could proudly say that pornography, and girls who are taking naked pictures of themselves, aren't any less valuable than the ones who are afraid to enjoy in their life!"

Obviously, it's all bunch of bullshit, but it works well as an marketing strategy. As you can see my domain has something to do with the site, so your domain should be connected to your site's mission somehow too. Just make sure it's short and easily remembered.
Buy cheap hosting. Self hosted scripts are always the best. You don't want to be at the mercy of Google for Blogger or whatever. Hosting is cheap. Many mainstream hosts are NSFW-friendly (Hostgator and Dreamhost, for starters).
Don't do that! Crappy free hosting providers will screw you out of your site. Don't do it! Paid hosting is cheap enough that you don't have to screw around with free hosting. Free hosters impair your ability to promote your website and kill your credibility.

The only exception is if you work out a deal with somebody here on the forums to host your site in exchange for a button or something. But don't go to a free hoster (or a free blog site). You'll be a more credible site.
Thanks for the advice. But I've started just populating my blogger blog first with content (its private atm). I'm going to purchase a .com domain but have it still link to the blogger hosting. Then make the blog public under the .com domain and start trying some of the stuff here to build traffic.

When I get more traffic (enough to cover hosting) I'll switch to WP and hostgator or dreamhost. Also are there any ads that are non-invasive that I can put on my blog? I'm pretty sure adsense isn't for NSFW stuff. or is it?
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