

Active Member
Hello WJ,

I'd like to introduce you to the video hosting website We are a highly skilled team of IT professionals from Asia, and we are delighted to introduce Streamvid, a video streaming hosting service.

Why us + features?

Legal adult content is allowed
Only clean ads
Highest pay rates
Unlimited storage for Premium (how to become premium? Just contact on Skype)
The minimum payout amount is $20 USD
Payment requests are processed within 24 to 48 hours only, even on public holidays and weekends
UltraFast Streaming

Payout methods:


Any comments or suggestions from you would be greatly appreciated. Our team will make every effort to raise the level of service quality to exceed your expectations.
Our contacts:

Skype: live:.cid.33659ac290c0aa1a ( For fast communication )
how to use api sir..?
I Have a payout Request from 8 on this month

This is my first payout Request

Please Help me
Hope you get your first payout do share your experience too.

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get paid. Thank you
Thanks for your feedback
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I Didn't get paid please Help me this is my first payout Request
Please share you email if you still don't get your payout will check it.

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still waiting
Please email me so i can check your status.

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I've requested my payment since 6days and still nothing how long does it take to get paid here can someone tell me?
We usually pay payouts in 5 to 7 days and we don't count weekends.

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hello / good evening I wanted to know how much storage space we have? and if it is mandatory to become a premium member with unlimited storage space and is there a deletion of files if it does not fund view?
There is no such restriction but we ban the account if user is using account for storage only, because we are streaming not storage host, if you can bring 10k traffic daily we will give you free premium account.
For free file get deleted in 30 if there is no view and for premium it won't get deleted.

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Pending payment 2023-08-16 :upside_down:
Please email me will check your status.
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Too slow payout almost take 2 weeks. Please change your intro (payout within 24 to 48 hours) to payout within 2 weeks or more.
Hello yes we are working on this to solve this problem to get auto payments through api so users will get fast payouts, from last few months we have receive huge love and response from you guys so have to check each and every traffic source which is why there is a delay, we are trying to figure this out , and if i m saying huge that not in 30 or 40 per week its way more than that so sorry for the delays working on some coding and api to figure this out.

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i still no pay
Please share you email so can check your status
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it takes soo long for payment its crazy hope the website isn't exit scamming on us
Who told you we are scamming any internal info, do let us know too because we also want to know :P
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Payment still pending :(
Hello please pm me your email will check the status
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If you watch this thread so closely do check the previous message where we mentioned we won't able to edit that and share so many times it takes 5 to 7 days and we don't count weekends , reply 100 or 1000 times won't effect much once your turn came will pay.
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Yeah cheers please do share the email so can check why XD :P
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Wait so long for this to happen. In the end they decide who they pay or they are just a scam...


Hello do skype or pm me your email will check the reason and if we reject your $20 we are scam but how ???
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DONE, thx for payment :champagne_glass: :champagne_glass: @streamvid
But you please do share your email
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My traffic is legal, they didn't want to pay me. They don't reply to my messages.
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payments should not be counted if they are with vpn or proxy or if they do not see a time limit it works well on the other pages but not on streamvid. pagina scam
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They discount those who use vpn and all that, I don't know what the problem is to reject the payment. the only answer is that the page is a scam.

I am sure that many of those who claim to receive the payment are the same or are people chosen by them.


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My biggest traffic comes from the United States. And they still reject it.

1. we reply everyone on skype or wj but little delay but we reply and from reading your message it looks like you are sending traffic from social media ? if so that;s is the reason you got rejected, if you have other source do share here we love transparency and also SHARE WHEN WE NOT REPLIED YOU.

2.We don;t have any system which can detect fake traffic we have to check manually so don't point out any logic to justify your fake traffic

3.Okay so you want to say we have so many accounts where we are faking here seriously, i hardly open wj in 1 or 2 weeks see its a free world people sometimes talk bullshit but don;t be this much

4. But we never choose any one because we don't develop this type of system because i have to say wake up and be in reality and send some quality traffic so you can also get paid
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hmmm so they scammed you?
We never scammed anyone don't just with one side story
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in all the ones you name, I have shared, social networks - forums... they are videos that can be shared everywhere.

They did not accept my traffic, it is because this page is a scam.
Please share the links on skype or pm me love to check your souce and do share those links where i can finds streamvid url.
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i am with you bro I really think the site is scam and only pays the ones that they choose and they comment here they get paid its crazy
Lol slow clap for you rest won't able to say anything which don't make any sense
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how to use api sir..?
please share your email will approve api for your account
Last edited:
Hello WJ,

I'd like to introduce you to the video hosting website We are a highly skilled team of IT professionals from Asia, and we are delighted to introduce Streamvid, a video streaming hosting service.

Why us + features?

Legal adult content is allowed
Only clean ads
Highest pay rates
Unlimited storage for Premium (how to become premium? Just contact on Skype)
The minimum payout amount is $20 USD
Payment requests are processed within 24 to 48 hours only, even on public holidays and weekends
UltraFast Streaming

Payout methods:


Any comments or suggestions from you would be greatly appreciated. Our team will make every effort to raise the level of service quality to exceed your expectations.
Our contacts:

Skype: live:.cid.33659ac290c0aa1a ( For fast communication )
Views not working.