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today we want to introduce to you . More information in the graphic below.

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We don't sell premium account or any premium player without ads!
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Gentlemen, because even though my target audience is not an adult, they receive vast ads with offensive images ???

Please fix this

VAST ads will only be shown to user which are blocking our pop up ads on their android apps. If you dont think you did that which i dont think because i checked every user who got vast ads please pm me with your streamtape email.

So block our popup ads and you will get vast ads easy treatment. Other Videohost would probably ban you for that if they knew how to detect it ;)

even if "Allow Adult Ads" is not checked on ?

Part of my site with cartoons is for kiddos so offensive material would be a problem - that's why I'm asking: in their defense.


Hey, you wont see any adult VAST ads if you dont block our pop up ads as explained above so no worries :)

It can happen to time to time that we show adult ads but the chance is very slim and it wont happen often. We try to minimize it as good as possible
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Hi. Let's say one IP already watched someone's videos today (someone who is not my account). If I later upload a video and the same person watches my video, will his IP count for my account as well?
Uploads on z_o_o_m is so slow.

EDIT: Automatically add file-internal subtitles (e.g. .srt in .mkv file) won't work.

please share the concerned files via pm- It worked in my test without a problem

Hi. Let's say one IP already watched someone's videos today (someone who is not my account). If I later upload a video and the same person watches my video, will his IP count for my account as well?
  • Downloads or Streams are counted up to 2 within 24 hours per user
If we already counted the 2 views it wont get counted on your video.
Anúncios VAST só serão exibidos para usuários que estão bloqueando nossos anúncios pop-up em seus aplicativos Android. Se você não acha que fez isso, eu não acho porque verifiquei todos os usuários que receberam muitos anúncios, por favor me mande um email com seu streamtape.

Portanto, bloqueie nossos anúncios pop-up e você obterá um tratamento fácil de vastos anúncios. Outro Videohost provavelmente o baniria por isso se soubessem como detectá-lo;)

Ei, você não verá nenhum anúncio VAST adulto se não bloquear nossos anúncios pop-up conforme explicado acima, então não se preocupe :)

Pode acontecer de vez em quando mostrarmos anúncios para adultos, mas a chance é muito pequena e não acontece com frequência. Tentamos minimizar o melhor possível
Nenhum outro problema, eu tenho um aplicativo e uso fembed e agora doostream e todos eles permitem o uso no aplicativo, os usuários ainda veem anúncios ao escolher a opção de streaming ou download
Nenhum outro problema, eu tenho um aplicativo e uso fembed e agora doostream e todos eles permitem o uso no aplicativo, os usuários ainda veem anúncios ao escolher a opção de streaming ou download

You are free to use another videohost for your app. If you block our ads and use our bandwidth and storage we dont need you as an user. And i talked to doodstream admin today i dont think he will allow app abuser in the near future :)
You are free to use another videohost for your app. If you block our ads and use our bandwidth and storage we dont need you as an user. And i talked to doodstream admin today i dont think he will allow app abuser in the near future :)

I see no problem with your vast or banner ads

Now if the user chooses that he doesn't want to show adult ads, you must respect
You are free to use another videohost for your app. If you block our ads and use our bandwidth and storage we dont need you as an user. And i talked to doodstream admin today i dont think he will allow app abuser in the near future :)
fembed and much bigger and uses push ads that appear even in apps, vast sucks and the ads are all pornographic
just a quick note/question: checking "Block direct access & only allow embeds" (Dashboard / Video Settings / Video Access Settings) doesn't really seem to prevent video getting played by using direct link.

I'm not sure if I'm getting its purpose right but I expect "Video not found" message if video is accessed directly - just like when I make another restiction by setting "Only allow the following domains to embed" whitelist. Is that correct?
just a quick note/question: checking "Block direct access & only allow embeds" (Dashboard / Video Settings / Video Access Settings) doesn't really seem to prevent video getting played by using direct link.

I'm not sure if I'm getting its purpose right but I expect "Video not found" message if video is accessed directly - just like when I make another restiction by setting "Only allow the following domains to embed" whitelist. Is that correct?

Hey, the first one we have to check but i have a lot of users who are using this feature which didnt complain yet. About the second one your embedded videos will only work on the domain you added.

so if you added it should only play on this domain.
