Starting A New Service - Mobile - Web Hosting

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Hello Everyone! I'm Going To Start A Web Hosting Service. It's Not Gonna Be Like Others. It'll Be Unique. I'm Gonna Integrate Mobile Payments For Web Hosting. This Means, People Will Only Be Able To Pay VIA Their Mobile Balance. So, I'm Looking For A Good Web Hosting Company To Provide Me A Reseller Hosting. My Reseller Hosting Would Only Be Running VIA Mobile Payments, So, The Main Company (Who'll Provide The Reseller Hosting To Me) Will Be Linked To It.
Well, you'll probably be advertising here on WJ, and most other people who buy hosting know how to check if your on a dedicated server of VPS or reseller hosting.
Maybe you should first take a look at the rates you'll be getting from the mobile payment systems?

It's not good at all.
Let me know if you find any company who able to accept payments by mobile balance and I can put him on a Billing System also question is - which billing system will allow that?

How about making the post not hurt our eyes first. Too much capitalization of letters.

You wont remember me but i do recognize your username. And from what i see now, you haven't progressed. So how do you guarantee that it will work? and how many clients you have/had on your existing host or previous service.
@CodenameXE, How's Direct WrZ? And,
How about making the post not hurt our eyes first. Too much capitalization of letters.
We'll You Know, Capitalization Matters :P

And, No Body Guarantees About Their Hosts. Do They? All Of The Hosting Sites Are Same. That's Why They Have Zero Profit. The Service Of Mine Is Different. They Are A Lot Of People Who Wants A Host But Doesn't Have A CC Or PayPal. This Makes Me Think It'll Be A Success.
Judging from your username it seems you're like about 14 years old, in other words, you should not in any way start such business because you most likely have no experience.

Instead, I would suggest you to go and learn/improve your English because This Is Not How You Should Write And People Won't Take You Seriously.
Wow, you guys started a fight here, Good (hehehehe)
I think "mad" in his username refer to Mad/Madness so it's Ok to be like a 14 Year child.

Not having any experience doesn't mean that it will fail or do you think that everyone who started hosting company has always experience?
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