Some basic uploading tips a lot of people don't know

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I really like this article since Im just a noob. I signed up in another forum but after reading this article, things are much more clear to me.

Thank you and please keep posting articles.

Im currently in Fileserve and made .35 cents this week but Im hoping to do more.

**note: i uploaded a adult erotic comic and got 30 dl's in 3 days...hope it could be boosted...i think i may have found my niche.

Thanks again and more power....!!!!
1) Get your own source: Leeching from rlslog and oneddl just isn't good enough. What a lot of people don't get is that the editors usually get their stuff from SCC, BTN or even IPT, so why not eliminate the middle man (in this case the blogs) and just get the stuff from their source directly? If you are just starting with uploading, IPT is good enough, but SCC is far better. On SCC there are only scene releases, which is what most people want, while on IPT you have personal encodes and a bunch of other shit you have to sift through to get to what you want. It's hard to get a SCC invite, since they cost an existing member 10 euro to purchase, but if you can get one for 10 euros, i recommend it.

I am new.. So... What are they?? what is SSC, BTN, IPT
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