So I set up a medical marijuana finder website, and I have a few questions

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First off, this is legal. Or at least it will be when I write up the correct Terms etc. Its, and I am using the Open Classifieds script to run it.

I want to set up a small store page for each member if they choose to create one, so they can sell their own custom blown oil rigs, domes, nails, dishes, and dabbers.

So, my question is, how would I go about doing this?
Would I have to code it myself since its an Open Source project? Or is there something like a plugin that I can install that'll popup and display the shop, because I'm trying to keep the site the same theme throughout, besides the forums but I'm working on those.

Thanks for any help :D
Interesting choice of sales technique.

I've never created something like that before though I do have experience in e-commerce.

I'm sure there are plugins available (Sorry Don't know which ones), or you could find a site similar to the type of site your building now and contact the webmaster to see if you can buy the software off of him/her.

If your looking for a coder, try Vworker (Formerlly Rentacoder) Your protected and your coder won't get paid until all specifications are complete. This is where I usually go when I need to have programming or coding done.

Sorry I don't know too much about open classified scripts though.
Ok thanks for the help man. And yeah I'm a part of a BHO group on facebook so I want to add it for those guys. I'll check out Vworker though.
This is a different design than those two websites.

---------- Post added at 05:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:39 AM ----------

bumppppppp I'm trying to get this set up soon
I already have a classifieds ads setup, I used open classifieds, so all I am wondering about is adding a shop function to it.

now I'm saying, is there another way to do this than to code it myself, directly into the OC script? Like for instance, a scipt I could install that would be a popup mini shop for the user, just something like that. The actual classifieds part is already taken care of. Thanks for the help though :)
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