warez Linking Allowed ?

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Active Member
2nd month, I have renew Invoice Date 21/12/2012, to day 22/12/2012 I get suspended from Shineservers.

Reason: BREIN (Copyright Department of Dutch)

reason is correct as they said or fake?

Evidently, Shineservers service for Warez sites are allowed, but they do have to suspended my site without prior notice.

I request to refund, they said: "getting complaints multiple times are not accepted in any term" LOL, i have never received any report from them.

I think use BREIN to cheat and scam customers.

Sorry my english is not good.
just to know when hosting provider said allowed warez site or related i think that not true and don't belived 100%
that only market strategy for got client, becouse when their got many claim they can't do anything becouse many main provider the fact not accepted ilegal copyright, then don't belived 100% this DC NL or etc will ignore dmca or related i think that bullshit
becouse the true they still accepted claim then forward to you and give time to remove the content, if they ignore claim since recived the complaint they will be not responded/accepted or forward to you this true IGNORE

Suggest for next and all don't belive 100%
Take some mins to read our terms properly if you can . These are the terms which you tick while making an order . Enough of discussion already via ticket . I wonder that do you understand what we say ?
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advertised sell not true

Topic sell:
This is their latest thread :
You have to look through their latest policies, rather than their archives :)
advertised sell not true

Topic sell:

Ah damm ? Can't you see :- That topic is closed long months back :| Topic Posted : 6th Jan 2012, 03:35 AM .

We already having our active Sales thread :-£1-99-mo-nl.html

Which is Posted on :- 1st Jul 2012, 03:40 PM

You are arguing on a closed thread and on a France hosting :o ? Get some logic mate !

Added after 23 minutes:

PS :

Proof of complaint that we received , where it is already mentioned that BREIN contacted him but he keep ignoring their emails (not my fault)

Translated Version :-

Proof Of Backup :-
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Why show link data?

You violate protection laws

Added after 4 minutes:

please hide the characters on a file!
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Why show link data?

You violate protection laws

Added after 4 minutes:

please hide the characters on a file!

Ahh man , Link is already hidden . I'll request moderators to close this thread as it's waste to keep discussing on the topic that is of no use .

OP :- He is confused , he keep on showing our archive threads by saying warez linking allowed . Now he is saying that we violated the Protection Law , @moderators kindly check whole thread and let me know where we did violated that .
Dear htdang, you violated his TOS and thus your site was suspended by ShineServers. All proofs are submitted by the host, which clearly shows that you have been provided with a backup, so that you can move on to a different hosting provider. I Can't see any problems here. Any further problems, use their Support system. WJ is not your support system.
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