SharpLeech 2.0.0 BETA

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Active Member

SharpLeech is a tool developed primarily for people running a (new?) warez forum that needs more or starting content. It copies topics from other forums to the one you specify. Saving you from having to manually copy/paste them.

Changes Since v2.0.0 ALPHA:

  • Switched to .NET 4.0 RTM (the final version).
  • Fixed the IRC client not sending a nickchange request when changing your nickname in the options.
  • Fixed a resource leak in one of the async fucntions due to not handling the IAsyncResult.
  • Fixed the radio volume (and slider) not updating when restoring the default settings.
  • Fixed a problem where logging in to a vBulletin 4.0.3 forum wouldn't work.
  • Fixed a crash that would occur when leeching in async mode due to a thread safety issue.
  • Fixed a crash that would occur when clicking the Copy Url button when the url was 'null'.
  • Fixed a crash that would occur when clicking the Open topic in a browser button when the url was 'null'.
  • Fixed an issue with the Warez-BB plugin.
  • Fixed an issue with the Warez-Centre plugin.
  • Changed the logo to the new one that was created by Elio.
  • Changed the application icon. Again.
  • [strike]Changed the internal proxy setup from forced off to the .NET default (same as SL1)[/strike].
  • Changed the internal proxy setup from forced off to the systems default proxy settings.
  • Changed font for the white text with the black outer-glow effect.
  • Added a plugin for TehParadox.
  • Added a plugin for ForumW (.org).
  • Removed the Stats tab (moved to a future version).
  • Removed the Feed tab (moved to a future version).
  • Removed some TV station streams that were no longer broadcasting.
  • The start page number now increments when leeching like it was in SL1.
  • Flagged the LeechClient thread as Background thread.
  • A few small tweaks in the async pipeline.
If you used the ALPHA or Pre-ALPHA version before it is important to note that you will have to re-download and install .NET 4. The ALPHA's used the RC version whereas the BETA uses the latest retail version (RTM). There's a download link below.



Download (555 KByte):

I forgot to add the updated Warez-BB plugin.
If you need WBB support use this plugin:

Install .NET 4.0 RTM before running:

And please do not PM me with your problems. I will no longer respond to them. If you find bugs post them here. Be sure to include your Errors.log file and a screenshot if possible. Describe the problem as clearly as possible.

Thanks to Elio for the new logo.

Latest Plugin Fixes:
- TehParadox:
Do let me know if it works now please. I can't test proxies myself.

And thanks for the positive feedback people :). I had actually expected 3 pages of "zomg it dont work!" ^^.
Couldn't wait till tonight, sorry man :/ Warez-BB is not starting at all while others are starting and leeching but i'm on a non proxy connection now.
Well, it work! but need some tricks to be perfect ! I'm leeching from ForumW, set pause 1, 5000, 10000, 20000... but after a hour ( i guest ) it show 400 Error :) now i set pause to 1 and leech 4 pages each, then exit SL and start again with next page :P

It's should have a break between loops, about 2minutes or more :D
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