SharpLeech 2.0.0 ALPHA

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Active Member

Custom SharpLeech 2 Plugins:

A few days late but here it is. This version is mainly a maintenance update. By this I mean no flashy new futures were added. Instead this should resolve a bunch of issues and crashes that some people had with the Pre-ALPHA.

Changes Since v2.0.0 Pre-ALPHA:

  • Fixed a crash that would occur on some PC's when a window is opened for the 2nd time.
  • Fixed a crash that would occur on some PC's when clicking on the login button.
  • Fixed a crash or freeze that would occur when the Start Leeching button was clicked.
  • Fixed the program not logging the ChatBox content when the option is enabled.
  • Fixed a typo. I'm sure there are more typos left in the GUI so let me know if you find one!
  • Fixed problems with IPB 3 quote tags.
  • Added error logging layer.
  • Added asynchronous leeching (300%+ speed boost on 5Mbit+ connections and fast sites).
  • Removed all F# code and ported it to the C# DLL. The F# runtime is no longer required to be installed.
  • Improved duplicate topic posting prevention - It will now check the hash before actually reading the topic (speed improvement).
  • Improved Keep-Alive requests.
  • Increased HTTP connection limit (2 -> 12).
  • Changed the default timeout value from 100.000 to 30.000 ms.
  • Changed the default Regex settings (they are now enabled by default).
  • Changed the default ChatBox nickname. The program will now set your Windows username as default value.
  • Changed the window background color for the non-Aero interface.


Download (460 KByte):

Install .NET 4.0 RC before running (48 MB):

Things you should know:
Async leeching is automatically enabled when the Pause value in your options is set to 0. By setting it to 1 or higher the program will switch to the old sync leeching method. A fast site (both leech and post) and a 5Mbit+ connection are highly recommended for async posting. On slow sites/connections async posting might actually drown your speed instead of improving it.

When you report a bug
or problem make sure to include your Errors.log file. A screenshot alone is worthless. Also make sure you describe the problem as good as possible. Simply saying "it crashes for me" is useless.

Plugins (tested by me):
- Fixed Warez-Centre plugin:
- Fixed Warez-BB plugin:
- TehPARADOX (by The End):
- ForumW (.org) (by NewEraCracker):

SharpLeech 2.0.0 BETA progress (frequently updated):
  • Changes Since v2.0.0 ALPHA:
  • Switched to .NET 4.0 RTM (the final version).
  • Fixed the IRC client not sending a nickchange request when changing your nickname in the options.
  • Fixed a resource leak in one of the async fucntions due to not handling the IAsyncResult.
  • Fixed the radio volume (and slider) not updating when restoring the default settings.
  • Fixed a problem where logging in to a vBulletin 4.0.3 forum wouldn't work.
  • Fixed a crash that would occur when leeching in async mode due to a thread safety issue.
  • Fixed a crash that would occur when clicking the Copy Url button when the url was 'null'.
  • Fixed a crash that would occur when clicking the Open topic in a browser button when the url was 'null'.
  • Fixed an issue with the Warez-BB plugin.
  • Fixed an issue with the Warez-Centre plugin.
  • Changed the logo to the new one that was created by Elio.
  • Changed the application icon. Again.
  • [strike]Changed the internal proxy setup from forced off to the .NET default (same as SL1)[/strike].
  • Changed the internal proxy setup from forced off to the systems default proxy settings.
  • Added a plugin for TehParadox.
  • Added a plugin for ForumW (.org).
  • Removed the Stats tab (moved to a future version).
  • Removed the Feed tab (moved to a future version).
  • Removed some TV station streams that were no longer broadcasting.
  • The start page number now increments when leeching like it was in SL1.
Well post the site and other settings you used then... Without details I can't check it out.

Hello, I Faced a crash today. I had 3 instances running. All 3 of em were working fine. I went to play football..... came back and saw that all of em were crashed. I think it crashed because my pc automatically got locked(to the user login screen) but usually when this happens other softwares keep working.


First of all, please use for posting error logs.

It's because all instances are trying to read/write from the same files and cache. V2 writes a lot more to files to conserve memory so it's not recommended to be running more than 1 instance. Especially if it's done purely for speed since async will most probably max out your connection with one instance if the site allows it.

If for some reason you really have to run more than one instance you should try creating multiple folders with copies of your main SL folder. And run the exe's from those folders so each instance has its own files and cache.
        public override SiteTopic GetTopic(string url)
            SiteTopic topic = base.GetTopic(url);
            if (topic == null) return null;
            // Fix IPB 3 quote tags...
            string pattern = @"(?i)\[quote [\w\d " + '"' + @"'-=]+\]";
            string replace = "[quote]";

            topic.Content = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(
            return topic;
is not working for me :(, if the regex is what i think it is (is searching for the quote tag in the ipb board?)
this is what is have on my board :
<p class="citation">Quote</p><div class="blockquote"><div class="quote"> content </div></div>
i tried different regex rules but i can't make it working
You're looking at the HTML. Posts don't contain HTML... Other people have told me that it does work so I guess you're doing something wrong.
i just tried from another ipb site (code-projects) with the same plugin and is working, this mean the problem is from my site. I will try to find what can be the problem with a fresh install.
Just tried to use it on my CAPTCHA login site (using the manual login to login) and it hangs at "ready" when trying to leech.

Stopped leeching, changed the pause and global values to 10000 (from both 0 before) and click "start leeching" the button changes as if the program were going to begin leeching, and then it stops quickly after trying to start leeching. When I click the button again, it does the same thing. It wont even start leeching, it just starts then stops instantly. When I rebooted it to try and play with the settings some more, same thing.

I'll give the SEO board a try a little bit later on tonight.

Thanks for the update Hyperz.

Ah, sorry, forgot my error log:
From the error log I can tell you that the leeching stops because SL can't grab the "new topic info" for some reason.

I tried debugging on the site but:
Sorry, your account has been locked due to an excessive number of failed login attempts within a defined period. Your account will automatically be unlocked in 1 minutes

The gay capcha locked my account and even though it says for 1 minute it keeps it locked. So I'm not gonna waste my time on that site.
From the error log I can tell you that the leeching stops because SL can't grab the "new topic info" for some reason.

I tried debugging on the site but:

The gay capcha locked my account and even though it says for 1 minute it keeps it locked. So I'm not gonna waste my time on that site.

Ah, that. It says 1 minute, but its actually 24 hours. You should be good by tomorrow.
Works brilliant, thanks for this!

One questions though:
What happens if I leech page 1 from forum X to forum Y today and tomorrow I do the same thing? Would duplicate topics be created or would it recognize topics it allready posted?

Edit: Never mind, the change log says something about this :)
It creates a hash of the URL's of leeched topics and saves them to PostedTopics.txt. When you restart leeching the program will skip topics if its hash is found in the PostedTopics.txt file.
I am trying to post on my new forum vb 4.0.2 patch 1. i dont know why it doesn't work. i am using windows xp 32 bit SP3. Also the login to my forums never works says to use the browser everytime to login. Also the chatbox says
# Connecting, please wait...
# Connected!
# Joining channel...
stays like that always. It was working in the old b one when i was talking to you on it.

EDIT: I am currently on the chat box in the pre-alpha if you can come we can chat there.
How to Get Plugins to Work?

Hi I would like to say thank you for such a wonderful program.
I have a site VB 3.8 with a lot of content covering many aspects, movies, downloads, apps and many other areas. I am trying to make a plugin for my site so I can easily copy/leech posts to my other smaller web sites all running VB. So I took the plugin codes you have here, I created a file and called it name.xml then placed this file in the sitereaders folder of your program but the sites are not showing up?

What am I doing wrong?
Do You have a Doc for this program so I know how it all works?

Thank You,

NVM I Got this part figured out :D
I am trying to post on my new forum vb 4.0.2 patch 1. i dont know why it doesn't work. i am using windows xp 32 bit SP3. Also the login to my forums never works says to use the browser everytime to login. Also the chatbox says
# Connecting, please wait...
# Connected!
# Joining channel...
stays like that always. It was working in the old b one when i was talking to you on it.

EDIT: I am currently on the chat box in the pre-alpha if you can come we can chat there.

That sounds like a firewall issue (the chatbox). I tested on the site you used and indeed it fails to login. However, it does work when using the Manual Login future. I'll have a look at it later to see why it doesn't log you in. I should note that the ALPHA version was only tested on vB 4.0.0.

Hi I would like to say thank you for such a wonderful program.
I have a site VB 3.8 with a lot of content covering many aspects, movies, downloads, apps and many other areas. I am trying to make a plugin for my site so I can easily copy/leech posts to my other smaller web sites all running VB. So I took the plugin codes you have here, I created a file and called it name.xml then placed this file in the sitereaders folder of your program but the sites are not showing up?

What am I doing wrong?
Do You have a Doc for this program so I know how it all works?

Thank You,

If it doesn't load the plugin it means there is a parse error. Paste the plugin code to so I can have a look.
Getting Error Trying to Leech from VB 3.8 to VB 4.02


I would be willing to pay someone to create a plugin that allows me to copy threads from VB3.8 to other 3.8 Forums as well as VB 4.02 Suite forums. The originating site has, mostly, movie threads which contain an attachment for the movie poster, external links to other video hosting sites as well as html embedded codes for embedded players on threads and of course basic txt describing the movie.

If you like to login to the originating site, to see how pages look and are created, use Login: testaccount Password: fomf

I tried doing it myself and I got the following errors from this program

This is The Plugin I tried to create for just Adult content on my site:

You can contact me at

Thank you,
i tried this but when i given the pwd is correct even then it is saying wrong pwd:( and how can i leech apps from other forum to my app section? in old leech thr is blank whr we can specify the new threda url. but in this leech whr should i give?
You don't, now you only need the section ID from the "new thread url". usually it's the number after the "&f=NUMBER_HERE" part of the url. Also, the base url should not contain file names (like index.php/html/whatever).
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