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thanks for the reviews... I will get started with fixing the favicon... i am going to be leaving the Sharing With Passion text for a while... since i don't got much time... but will change it :)... and also the colors are a little dumb on the LE but i will change em.

Your logo sux. It would be better without it , with text only. You only edited overall_footer , and everything else is same like on every other site that uses that template. Install mods like:
quick reply
last post
activity over 24hours

etc... It looks dead and plain like this.

Your logo sux. It would be better without it , with text only. You only edited overall_footer , and everything else is same like on every other site that uses that template. Install mods like:
quick reply
last post
activity over 24hours

etc... It looks dead and plain like this.

thanks a bunch man... that gave me some fucking good mood -.- :'(
I didn't meant to make you sad. It's better to give out honest review , not ass licking like most members do.


Install XAMPP , on localhost. And edit skin there , and when your done upload the skin on server.

And also , I wrote this because you have in your post that "sad smilie" lol.
yes i do:'(, I do some testings with XAMPP usually at home... i shall do it with this style also :) but i like it... i might do some modifications around later on.
don't got any money to use anything better than phpBB

We live in a Warez world, you have pretty much everything at your disposal.

Back on topic:
1. The logo has to be changed, it's way too small, including the "sharing with passion" text.

2. The color is too dull, nothing at all catches the eye. Personally, seeing as it's free style, I'd look for something more appealing, there are lots out there if your pocket isn't very full.

3. Have some custom icons designed for the left side of the forums.

4. As stated above, add a couple of mods.

5. Install the seo mod.

logo needs to be changed......

and board icons also.....

and increase the block size of affilates and seperate it with dark lines
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