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Active Member
Servedome is Closing or Hacked?

Hi, I've received that email:


Very bad.. very bad..

It's fake email:
That fake email is coming from, real ServeDome's mails are sent from
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Hi, I've received that email:


Very bad.. very bad..
I doubt if this is send by Serve Dome, It looks like the hackers have sent this Mail.

Its Says "Were Closing" and not We Are Closing, and if ServeDome were to send this they would have surely sent a well detailed email.
The email looks suspicious, but how else could they have gotten all our emails.

Most probably..He/They got access to the server and the e-mail may be just a warning alert that they gonna try to Harm.

If its not really from the Serverdome than Company should not take it lightly and make sure there is no security hole in Servers.
That was my first thought too. It's not from ServeDome because if it was legit, they wouldn't have said: "Thanks You For Your Patience With Us," after saying, "Were sad to tell you were closing."

Also the capitalization and grammar is all messed up as others have mentioned.

My only concern is do you think they got access to our paypal info?

Dear Customer,

Were Sad To Tell You ServeDome Is Closing. Thanks You For Your Patience With Us.
WHMCS has a mass email system, it's likely you sighed up and brought there services at some stage, witch is why you a receiving such thing.
Ofcorse I was a client, a long time ago.. What I' trying to say is, it's fake, or their db's got hacked again therefor all their (ex)clients email addresses got leaked... :facepalm:
Fake + Fail
if it was Official they would have included a valid reason, much more detailed information, and i guess some kind of apologizes for their Clients
more over the English included in that ahh god!
Damn fake
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