Searching For A Good CPM Option For New Website

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I have started a new website & need a good CPM source to earn some revenue and continue with my work. I am not at all a pro about advertising methods & tricks but fairly comfortable with HTML etc ie, implementing these ads.

Actually I am not quite sure about which is the best option for me: CPC or CPM or CPA ads.

Here are some stats & info about my website:

My webstats in the first 60 hours (About 3 days) Approx:


These are the traffic divided by countries (Thanks to website):


Some more info:

* My website is created for free in a sub-domain as I don't have enough revenue from my previous projects to buy a domain & premium hosting.

* My website contains absolutely NO ADULT CONTENT & NO WAREZ or distribution of ILLEGAL FILES or even providing any source to get them.

* Most of the contents are self-composed but there are some references to some popular review websites.

* Website is about popular applications & games.

My Requirements:

* No adult 18+ ads (That's all)

* All other types of ads/ pop-ups are allowed. (I don't even mind if they are relevant to my site because I really need some revenues to get hold of a paid proper domain) :(

If someone can tell me how much revenue from ads should I really expect from my site everyday it would be of additional help to me.

Thanks to everyone.
Given the fact that most high paying CPM,CPC networks work better for traffic coming from US,CA,UK I really doubt you will find a very profitable network given the fact that very little traffic comes from USA.

you can try eDomz, I've never used them but I hear that they are good for ASIAN traffic.

You can try signing up for a CPA network and try promoting CPA offers such as 'get paid per player sing up' gaming offers and see what countries they allow conversions from.
Thanks a lot for your help.

I tried using Clicksor yesterday & implemented some CPC ads but my users usually doesn't click on the ads & to be true they were not relevant at all although I used about 100 keywords/tags to describe my site.

Yesterday, I had about 1000 unique visitors & earned $0.1 from Clicksor because hardly anyone clicked on the ads served.

Should I accept this ? Because if I earn about $0.1 everyday, it would take my lifetime to get to minimum payout.

I have tried understanding the terms CPC & CPM from google searches & from the excellent thread you have created here in this section of WJ & I think CPM is better than CPC for me.

Thanks for suggesting edomz but both the 'Publisher' & 'Advertiser' pages are not working now- 404 Not Found.

Can you please say how much should I expect from my website ?
Because $0.1/ day is worse than terrible :(
The publisher page for Edomz seems to be working:

For forums dont go with CPC as users of a forum get used to the feel of the forum and start to ignore the ads, thats why CPM is better now a days for sites like that because no ad clicking is needed to earn revenue. Stay from clicksor as their ads contain malware which will infect your users. Even tho most of your traffic is Asian you should be getting way more than 0.01 per 1,000 impressions.

since you said your site is gaming related you can try applying for one of these pop unders sites to see if they accept you as they have great rates: (if you can get accepted then you can make about 1$ per 1,000 impressions for Asian traffic. USA has a 11$ per 1,000 impressions. Same for

but for a cpm network that pays for international traffic you can try applying for as I hear people getting 0.30-0.50 per 1,000 impressions (impressions is not the same as visitors by the way) which is great for Asian traffic.

By the way you should try applying for adsense to see if that works out for you, you never know.

Other CPM networks you should try applying for and testing out to see which works for you are:

CPMFUN.COM (POP UP NETWORK) ( RATES ) **They claim to get you even up to 30$ per 1,000 IMPS so they are worth trying out**

You can also try googling and you should find some.
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Thanks a lot man.

Your database about ad marketing is worth praising !

Adsense was always my first choice & no one actually pays higher but they don't accept subdomains or free hosted sites.
Adsense hopes are given up as for now.

I'll surely try all your mentions one by one, hope one works out.

I just registered with edomz.

Thanks again.
zoperto I dont have a blogger but Epicgameads will provide you with a script code which will go into your template so Insert that code somewhere in your header template or footer.
We are looking for the best sites to place our ads .

We have hundreds of advertisers on each country since we are partner with more than 250 adnetworks worldwide

Here at Reachjunction Display Network , we have over 2,000 direct advertisers
and our system connected with the top 20 demand side platform all over the world .

We make sure your inventory has 100% fill rate with combining the CPM , CPC ,CPA and CPS model .

Even you are not consider our network at the moment , I hope we can setup the
connection , maybe we can have dedicated campaign for your website.

I think you should give us a try .
Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any issue .
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