Encoding RDP from 36$/Month (UK)

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As I said, Scudmis is right in the middle of setting everything up again, so there won't be all that many demos going out at this particular moment.

Give him a day or two and I'm sure he'll get those demos out.
@John.Doe : are u working for him ? if not then please do everyone a favor and stop spamming.
So i been informed that the server was in the process of reinstall OS. Its been a day. Please give us an update.
@monsterfish: No, I am in no way affiliated with him other than being one of his customers. Having always received proper response and fair treatment, I think I'm eligible to post my gist of things when Scudmis can't, 'cause he's busy fixing his stuff.

Downtime will be compensated for and whoever didn't care to wait had the option to receive a backup RDP for the time being.

If you're a current customer you will also have received a message from him regarding the reinstallation process about 10 mins ago.

If not, let me cite you: "please do everyone a favor and stop spamming."

Thank you.
Server is up and everything has been fixed.
Sorry guys for the downtime. Extra time has been provided.
Server is sold out currently but if anyone cancels I will open the thread.
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