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What the heck is going on, Why the hell these Govt are trying to ruin our internet life.?

DAMN first SOPA/PIPA and when they got delayed here comes a new bill which is more strict than any other is called ACTA...

Guys we are dead if these bills will not stop then every other day there will be a new bill that will fuck our ASSES..

Save Your Asses Guys and Say NO to ACTA!!
SOPA, PIPA, ACTA, MILF, STFU, WTF? It doesn't matter what acronym they have, these things have no public support. They will die down eventually. Zzzzzzz...
Check out the new Google privacy policy you are agreeing to let them furnish any info they collect about you IP addresses sites you visit and more to the authorities.

For instance recaptcha is google, so every time you download something that uses it

BLAM you're in their database

What we are seeing now is nothing
Thank to Slovakia and two other countries from the EU (3/27) we can relax several months and do our work. Because these countries do not subscribed the ACTA agreement, so they dont approve it.
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