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A Las Vegas based hosting company. The site uses WHMCS with Pleask servers. I have 3 shared servers up so far still working and getting some more up and going. I also have 10 dedicated servers ready to go. I own and run the servers myself so i am the only person being dealt with. These servers are NOT rented. I am not the middle man. The network runs on a COX fibre network and they are located at Tropicana & Boulder HWY in Las Vegas, NV. Las Vegas is ranked one of the safest locations in the country to store data. We have a very low accurance of natural disasters.

All servers are Dells.

Portal Home - Opacity Hosting

The site uses a responsive WHMCS theme made by Since83.Com.
Ace WHMCS Theme | Since83
I wonder how I can actually review the content. :| You should be probably giving out test accounts for this.

Physically, the website is really well done. I like the look, it's modern and professional imo. Not sure about the services tho. Yet, Good luck. :)
I wonder how I can actually review the content. :| You should be probably giving out test accounts for this.

Physically, the website is really well done. I like the look, it's modern and professional imo. Not sure about the services tho. Yet, Good luck. :)

Ill get some test accounts up. great idea thanks.
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