Review my New Megaupload site

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Active Member
Please review

It's a brand new forum and it's not finished yet/ not officially opened yet so yes there is little content and members. I want to look at suggestions.

I tried to make it as unique as possible.

- used a nice looking skin/theme. yes i know it's not custom skin
- category icons are unique
- Capatcha registration is a Match the pictures Game. :) No typing words.
- Forum Rank buttons are unique - I found some nice looking ranks and edited/Modified them myself to make it abit unique.
- Built in link checker
- Categorized by year and A-Z guides

- Things i want to add in future
-- Unique smilies
-- Porn section
-- Music section

- I <3 Megaupload and To Anyone who Loves MU.. Please Join up! i have over 5,000 movies and shows uploaded in MU. All 1 links. this includes Hundreds of Premium 1 link 720p/1080p i have available. I thought of starting a blog but i really dislike blogs and the blog layout.

I know it's empty atm because i am not completely finished yet.

Also if anyone is interested in being a Global moderator.. hit me up
Heres a quick review:

I love MU too and I hope your site does really well.

The icons look great, the forum is well organized and color user groups are great - and I love the skin as well.

What I would change is the logo, get a favicon, and move the login box up to the top of the sidebar.

Nice job on the site!
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