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That "Lulz0r" thing with the arrow is NOT the main logo. It's just decorative. dunno why people are getting mixed up =/
<center><a href="homelulz"><img src="images/logo.png" width="731px" height="229" border="0px"></a></center>

#logo {
margin-left: -250px;

#logo2 {
margin-left: auto;

Your centering it then floating to left? :|
float: left;

Fail is when you do not actually wrap your code in code tags and when you have no idea what you're talking about :)

#logo2 is the css ID for the logo on the landing pages. That's the one being floated to left. Fail much?

#logo is being centered. And has a negative margin from left to 'move' it towards the left. That's how I coded it to be. I don't see anything wrong with that.

The logo and the lulzor text is one image. I could not be arsed to break it up in two parts, and so, I moved it towards the left. I don't see what's wrong in that, either? Unless you just wanted to bash for the sake of bashing?

Then merge it and make the total thing center you newbie :|

Words like 'newbie' coming from you, RK, don't sound right. Don't use them. :|
Tried that before we released the theme. CM designed the theme, and he did not like it that way, so I did what he asked me to. Naturally, he would have a better idea of how things would appear to be, being the guy who designed it.
What I am saying is why are you centering something with a depriciated code and then floating the same image to the left?

Where is it being floated to the left?

It's a margin-left, not a float property.

The float property on #logo2 is being used on the landing page. That div is not centered using deprecated code.
So your saying that in between the two CENTER tags that is not your banner?

<center><a href="[URL=""]homelulz[/URL]"><img src="[URL=""]images/logo.png[/URL]" width="731px" height="229" border="0px"></a></center>
Please add options to your firefox addon to disable some of the context menu entries because apart from that it's really helpful. I'm going to remove it until then because my context menu gets too big and I don't need any features besides "upload this image to imglulz".
I love the design, nice job CM. I'd do something about the text though - "You (or someone else) fail/failed".
@macga: We're currently rethinking the whole FF addon. We might ditch it for a program similar to wJSnap/iCSnap/ScreenSnapr.

@ieatlinux: Thanks, that was teh point! xD

@Bird: Thanks. That text is all lifetalk's idea and it's supposed to appear only when something bad happens. (I think it appears all the time or sth - a bug for sure). Will look into it.
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