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Active Member
Remote Desktop Accounts.
Unlimited Download/Upload.
Inter Xeon 2.45 GHZ(8 cores) 7 GB RAM
OS: Windows Server 2008 x64
Location: USA
Internet Connection : 1.0 GBPS.
Space : 50 GB.
Download Speed Maximum: 35 MB Upto 50
Upload Speed Maximum: 20 MB Upto 30
Price : FREE
How can i get it free:
- You have to register FS or HF or Fsn or all of them follow my referral link.
- You have to get 4$/day in 3 days and 7$/day in 7 days. If not your account will be terminated.
Interested Members PM Me
Post your register here. Thanks
N0 DEM0 ACCOUNT - You will have acc instantly when you finished registering

Pre-installed Software:
- Internet Download Manager
- FileZilla
- Winrar
- If you need to install any special software, request me.
Note: Your account will be terminate if you are trying take down administrator permission.
Quantity of accounts: 7 left




Most people here already have accounts with HF, FS or Filesonic. And they don't allow you to open a second account.

And then getting $8 per day is really a hard task (especially on FS or FSN). If I would sweat to make $240 a month, I could buy my own for $30 or less.

Would love to buy a RDP onshore though ...
R***174;USSHIM_I***8482;***175;;437044 said:
wow really free @.@
add me

If you feeling interested, so please pm me, and post your register here.

seems interested, but can i have 100GB space?

Sorry, 50GB is maximum i can give you :)

is it ok to host some sites in it?

Sorry, you can not!

Most people here already have accounts with HF, FS or Filesonic. And they don't allow you to open a second account.

And then getting $8 per day is really a hard task (especially on FS or FSN). If I would sweat to make $240 a month, I could buy my own for $30 or less.

Would love to buy a RDP onshore though ...

Lets think man, this is a free RDP :))

Im interested PM me

If you feeling interested, so please pm me, and post your register here.

I was edited my offer to get FREE RDP. :)
Perhaps you should better yourself in the English Language

Definition of 'free':

'given without consideration of a return or reward'
Perhaps you should better yourself in the English Language

Definition of 'free':

'given without consideration of a return or reward'

lolz, you have RDP and do not spend money for it, so it is not free???
So please correct me which "word" i can replace for "free"? :)
you don't have to pay for it, you have to work for it
so free? i don't think so

change the topic title

Man, you work for it, i want to ask you, you work to pay me??
Please think carefully, with RDP, you can work to earn money for you, not for me, The Hosts File pay for me, not you.
If you are not my refferal, you work to earn same money, and you do not have RDP. This is difference.

And if you are not interested with my offer, please do not comment here.

- You have to get 4$/day in 3 days and 7$/day in 7 days. If not your account will be terminated.

I am confused .In words 4$ per day in 3 days and 7$ per day in 7 days????Please explain
Sniffdog leave him alone, others could be interested in this.

Those who don't have RDP access for uploading, trust me its easier to upload on it and you can help the dude who's offering the RDP for free. But earning $4 is a bit too much ROFL.
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