Selling - Warez / Wordpress Blog (Currently 3000 - 4000 UV daily)

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Active Member
I have thought long and hard about selling my website for a while, I basically just don't have time for it anymore. Other commitments are on their way and others are already here. So it's time to call it a day and pass the site onto someone that can enjoy it and take advantage of it to it's full potential.

The website is entirely owned by me, and no-one else.
You will get everything... domain name, database, basically EVERYTHING.
ReleaseThread was originally registered with JustHost on 9th June 2010.
One year later I decided to move the domain to NameCheap and started buying various hosting services here on WJunction.

I am currently hosting with BlazingVPS, which is proving to be a very good host.

Premium Wordpress Theme - Cost me: $49.99, other wordpress themes are also installed - not all of them are fully coded up, only a couple of them.

Each new post gets listed on Google's search engine within minutes.
I have also purchased traffic with TrafficForYou (Gavo's service). This can either continue, or stop - the choice is yours.

Current Alexa Rank:

Current Page Rank:


Registered with NameCheap.


Domain expires:
10th June 2013

Proof of ownership:

Google Analyics:

As you can see, I was getting really good traffic a month or so ago, but then GuardHosts started to let me down with lots of downtime - which still doesn't seem to be sorted out. I'm sure you are all aware of the situation with GuardHosts...


Extreme Tracker

Google traffic comes more or less every minute.


Facebook Fan Page:
Get's updated automatically with each new post (RSS Feed)

Revenue made:
(Rapidshare gets a lot of downloads - a lot more than I expected)
I have been using a adnetwork recently which is proving to be quite good considering the traffic, Adstract.



Currently waiting on that payment, also have another $12 in the account, which I will be cashing out in the next couple of days.


Also, has been a pretty nice earner for sales.
Made $183.61 this month alone.

Number of posts on ReleaseThread:

Active Editors:
I am the main poster at ReleaseThread.
Along with a few other posters. "l1qu1d" has been active recently with Game posts, "blue_412" very good with Music releases.
Some of the other editors go and return from time to time.

HOSTING DETAILS: is currently hosted on a VPS provided by BlazingVPS.
Cost of hosting: £38.99GBP per month.
However, the specs of the VPS are overkill, so you could easily downgrade to the lower level and the website would still be running perfectly fine on the current traffic.

Bidding Auction:
Starting at: USD 200.00
Minimum Increments: USD 10.00
Bidding ends: Thursday 31st May - 23:59hrs (GMT +1:00) (BST).

NO RESERVE !!!!!!!!!!
If you have a BIN price, feel free to PM me - I may consider it.

Anyone bidding $200.00 or over, gets the website, database, everything. Simple as that.
I personally think the starting price is fair considering the revenue earned this month alone. As long as the stats stay similar for next few months then you will make your money back in no time.

Method of payment:


I have tried to be as honest as possible, it will be sad to know that I am no longer the Administrator. But the time has finally come to move on I think.
Please only reply here if you have a genuine question or if you are wanting to BID.

Regarding the payment and website handover...
To reduce my chances of being scammed, once payment is made via Paypal, - as long as Paypal doesn't hold the money for investigation, I will request payout instantly. Once the money is in my account I will proceed to hand over all details to the winning buyer.

Thank you for viewing.
No flaming please ....
Sorry for being off-topic, but there are very very few people over here who create such a good sale thread with all required details and explaining each of them as well.

Good Luck Ash! :)
Yeah it could have been Penguin, the fact that when Guardhosts let me down for a few days, that hit the website quite hard and I lost a lot of visitors :( Oh well.
It's the same old story when I've had problems with hosting. Always losing visitors.... they come back, eventually... but then the site goes down again, it's just one of them terrible cycles.
BlazingVPS have been really good for me so far, so fingers crossed for the future and the future owner (whoever that might be). :)
Yo this is Hardcore Professionality! Good luck for your business! That should be rated by any official ranking out there!
Thanks frostee :P
Just over 4 hours to go !!!

If your interested, make sure you don't miss out and make a bid.

Current highest bidder is "usbiz" with $250

Minimum increment is $10.00
Just over 30 minutes to go !!!

If your interested, make sure you don't miss out and make a bid.

Current highest bidder is "First-Dragon" with $270

Minimum increment is $10.00
What do you want to ask Jamy? You can ask it here.


Bidding Ended

Winner: First-Dragon
Price: $270
I will PM you my details.

(Sorry "Long", you didn't make a bid in this topic, and the confirmation of your $280 bid was received at 12:04 anyway)
It needed to be here in the topic to make it fair for everyone else involved.
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