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no one here want to give me some answers?...

Not sure mate they allow credit cards so that pretty much includes anyone who would have paypal. Plus paypal only sellers like extabit are limited in the sense many places don't allow paypal and that most of them can only do one month sales. Where as since I have moved to rapidgator 2 weeks ago I have had a 1 year 6 months and 3 months sale.

But like Richard said it is hard to compare unless you use 2 different hosts simultaneously.

Also Richard my dl's and sales have gone up in last 3 days 5 in 2 1/2 half days inluding 3 today so things improving.

I experience slow improving too :) Two weeks ago my average was 1,71 sales per day. Last week 2 sales per day. This week (from monday to wednesday) 2,66 sales per day.
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I experience slow improving too :) Two weeks ago my average was 1,71 sales per day. Last week 2 sales per day. This week (from monday to wednesday) 2,66 sales per day.

yeah same I don't know if it means rapidgator have sorted out their system or we are getting the right servers. First 2 weeks 3 sales. Last 3 days 7 sales all from new files in last 4 days. So server jigging is obviously working.
No, they havent sorted out. I still have no sales from PR26 (no DLs either), but there is one server that generated 13 sales total. Im trying to grab good servers with new uploads.
I dont now what they doing today. So later bad serverswho dont count is 15,19,24,26. I try put my files to others. This is a picture of my today uploud files


All are in goood servers.Yesterday similar situation. Is stats are frozen ??
@Walec26 i think u should test by yourself like richard say server count works for only with xx country let's say server 26 not count download from country A but count from country B so u should manage ur own download and sales from which country then pick whcih server ur gonna use
But this is sick. My files download users who are in each group. This is imposibble to have that stats. I add that old files are download. Today for all servers dont count new files. For example normal day looks like this

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Dear rapidgator, I'm back.

I dont now what they doing today. So later bad serverswho dont count is 15,19,24,26. I try put my files to others. This is a picture of my today uploud files


All are in goood servers.Yesterday similar situation. Is stats are frozen ??

Same here

Stats seem frozen :(
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