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hello, my account is on 29 May 06 you sent me the money $ 200 on the system, my account number is Z3791769887.., current account number Z3791769887.. not received the money above, I would check management and feedback to me soon, if necessary I will provide sufficient evidence to receive money, I sent two letters support but no response. thank you


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even happened to me i got 1 sales switch to pps then got 1 sale only so was just counted one sale not two and even after switching but one thing is so stupid that Mr newrapidgator said previously tat download counter is 3-4 days delay so properly we dshould get download money updated too for tat much lag else we loose those downloads which were not updated as their counter has a lag of 3-4 days . isnt it ?

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I swear , i know that i'm on PPS when i see 1 rebill today then i took a look at my traffic it's PPS , i didn't know untill now who changed my traffic :D

Chantalx @ see the limits at your wmz i faced this problem twice :D
or empty your wmz when RG will pay .
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