PutLocker.com - Get Paid For Sharing Your Streaming and Non-Streaming Content

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Oh, so they do remove files without valid DMCA complaints...It seems unfair at best. Putlocker and everyone else knows that if they wanted to remove all of the illegal files on Putlocker, then they would need to take off 99.99% of the files, legally...All this legal talk is hilarious! Everyone on here could be sued or go to jail!

my last post on the previous page...

"Look its a very simple situation, by law we have to remove all copyright infringing files that are reported to us via the DMCA complaint system or come to our attention in any other way... this server needed to be looked at by our Abuse team specifically and we did as such, when we saw the infringing material we removed it to comply with the law...we remove infringing material that comes to our attention to comply with the law."

Chrispoolaholic--I will post the responses since the problem has affected more than just me. I wasn't aware that other people were having the same issues.
How do you know Alluc records views accurately?

Can putlocker be shaving off downloads? possibly, but so are many other hosts out there.

Your files are being deleted? Don't post infringing materials, its in their TOS. If you're not happy with the host, move on to another one. Simple

I knew that was going to be the case of lets point the finger in another direction, so lets say those numbers alluc.org are off lets just say that and give putlocker the benefit of the doubt what about the other 6 sites i posted to they got no hits? Nforcer i think it's time to face reality I've showed you perfect examples of how putlocker is doing funny things, and dude wake up 100 percent of the people that use this file hosting company upload copyright material, lets look at your account you got copyright material in there :)

Putlockers response to isis

i am dealing with the specific request from daughter of isis when it comes down to alluc website and will let her know once i have an answer.

Obviously he knows that sites statistics are right else he would have just came out and said ok alluc.org numbers are off, again im for fixing issues you can't fix a mainstream issue when its hidden in the dark and pmed to only users that complain, this effects everyone, or will sometime down the line.
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@nForc3r, I doubt that there could be such a huge discrepancy. It's off by over 600 now!

@ Chrispoolaholic, here you go!

PutLocker said:
i will ask the techs to look this over and get back to you. As far as i see there is no issues with the file or the counter. There are other users who have uploaded this same file and this can be causing the reason for uniques to be off but not sure about the why the total hits are off. I know that counters are off even when comparing to google analytics.

Daughter_of_Isis said:
I have posted other links to the site, but not many. I just wanted to see if it would bring me good traffic, so I posted a test link. Here it is:


On alluc.org, it says the file has 909 views, but on putlocker the count is 339. It looks like a good site, so i would really like to get the issues resolved before posting all my links there. Thanks!

PutLocker said:
sure, saw the thread just now. which files are these?

Daughter_of_Isis said:

I posted in the forum a question about the counting of views of one of my files. I know you're busy, but will you please look into this for me? Thanks in advance.

Added after 5 minutes:


PutLocker said:
it is not the sites which report but lawyers and the content owners.

Daughter_of_Isis said:
Ok! Can you tell me which site I am receiving these reports from so I can stop posting there! :) Please and thank you!

PutLocker said:
we do not increase anything, there is no such thing.

if we get reported files for copyright infringement then we delete them, we do not look which account is which.

Daughter_of_Isis said:
How come you guys have increased the rate at which you are deleting my putlocker and sockshare files? I went out of town for thanksgiving and when I came back over 70 files had been deleted from my accounts. I work really hard to maintain my links and post them to different sites. It takes me a long time, and honestly I feel like I am wasting my time. It's frustrating! You never use to delete so many files.
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I had an episode of Merlin taken down by PutLocker today. I've never had an episode of Merlin taken down on Videobb or Videozer. I'm assuming it was just random competition reporting my episode so that they could bump theirs up. Can just anyone report a show on PutLocker easily?
No one knows, that's a good question that's why I suggested in earlier post putlocker implement a system to where us users can see dmca notices, to where we can look through and verify if something is fishy on each individual file, not showing us dmca complaints creates some other issues in itself, I'll give this analogy it's like if my isp were to send me a letter for downloading illegal content they wouldn't just say ok we received complaints about illegal downloading we issued a suspension on your account, no they would provide proof what torrent file, the hash, the movie name the ip of which it was downloaded from the company that sent the complaint etc etc.


Added after 12 minutes:

Here's putlockers long list of requirements for dmca notices, in order for dmca request to be valid and content to be taken down, show me a few of my own putlocker in public forum you've taken down over 20 of my files today show me 5 of those. http://www.putlocker.com/page.php?dmca
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I would say one thing and i hope some people take it seriously..Stop this stupid discussion..you are talking about illegal stuff and such things.to the users,dont try to find your right when you are wrong.

I add links in huge sites and my difference in counter is thousand views.no some crappy 600 views.

Get yourself together.i am with putlocker more than a year and i am happy with that.dont try to make more when you dont know.Even if putlocker cuts some views its their job.not yours.
El warez stop your idiotic non valid points, I have over 500 files and i receive thousands of views as well even when content gets pulled without dmca notices when you type in a forum use some common sense and intelligence. Don't just say random things in defense, people have issues and they are addressing them, when you have your issue address it accordingly :)

There's probably a reason why you have 1100 post with 14 likes and i have what 40 something post with 6 likes keep that in mind.
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Yeah you are right.Likes makes you awesome..omg i am just a loser..pff man grow up..You must be happy that Putlocker does not close accounts for illegal content..I won't jump in in this conversation as you know really well it won't go to your favor..So i suggest you as a fellow user to leave it as it is.If you are not happy with Putlocker just leave and try something better.
I've already had many users come to me with same issues and it's my intensions to go elsewhere but for the time being I will address certain issues, seeing how your favorite hosting provider admin is no where in action? Imagine that in time of need, ghost
El-Warez, I understand what you are saying. It's like fighting a losing battle, even if they are shaving downloads it is likely to stay that way and there really is nothing I can do about it, besides leave...

But, I am not a mega-uploader and 600 views to me is a lot. I am not the type to sit quietly while I get screwed...

I had an episode of Merlin taken down by PutLocker today. I've never had an episode of Merlin taken down on Videobb or Videozer. I'm assuming it was just random competition reporting my episode so that they could bump theirs up. Can just anyone report a show on PutLocker easily?

2ndHouse, I asked Putlocker the very same thing today, and this is what he said:

PutLocker said:
if the file had any views, means that it was accessed so reasonably it might have been accessed by the owners or law firms. They do it manually and through crawling bots. The DMCA's reported come hundreds a day from legal departments so i doubt there is people sitting there trying to fraudulently remove files...

Daughter_of_Isis said:
Also, did you ever consider that the other putlocker posters out there are trying to eliminate the competition by reporting others' files. I was just wondering because today, there was a file deleted from my Link test folder. That is where I cloned the file many times so each site that I was interested in had its own unique link. The file that was deleted today had views, but they were all mine. Absolutely no one from the site viewed my file. Please understand, that I am not accusing you of deleting my files! I just think that the way my files are being deleted lately has to be deliberate.

But, he kind of misunderstood what I was saying. The file they deleted only had 2 views, and they were both from me, but it was marked as removed due to copyright infringement. I was wondering who reported it, if no one but me watched it.

But this all really is so tiring! If Putlocker is truly a hosting company that is cheating the very people who earn them their money, it will hurt them in the long run..
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503 Service Unavailable

No server is available to handle this request.

in my side now ... you too ?

Added after 5 minutes:

it seems to be ok now !
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But this all really is so tiring! If Putlocker is truly a hosting company that is cheating the very people who earn them their money, it will hurt them in the long run..
on my opinion put/sock is not a "truly" company... it is a streaming hoster, for WAREZ... no one can doubt that. they pay us, for uploading illegal movies/series...
we are all moving in a "gray zone", more illegal than legal. (remember what happend to megavideo...)
and why should putlocker makes it difficult for you small uploaders, who earn less money anyway....

i get a lot of unique views with sockshare!
and i get some dmca also, which i can comprehend (cinemas)... but wouldn't it make sense, if putlocker really wants to save money by deleting files themselfs, to cut off the big uploaders and delete their files with +1000 views/day???

he pays me hunderts of dollars monthly, so i dont think, that he is so stingy, that he won't pay you a few dollars, instead of deleting your files himself.

Then explain what's going on with people and views and the examples we have posted in previous pages, no one can seem to come up with a excuse I would put it. Do you have an answer because, putlocker doesn't?

And what I think is you uploaders that make 100s of dollars a month if you're making a couple hundred what is putlocker making, if im only making 40 dollars or whatever low amount would make sense to delete my used space and others and have it available for users like yourself that earn quickly and alot now wouldn't?

Is why putlocker changed the level 2 and 1 month pro deal, users now have to have 1,000 unique views daily in order to go up to level 2 and 1 month free never was like that is it clear to you now my examples?
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im curious if i have 800+ views for 3 days , than for 2 days i have 1700+ and 1200+ unique views and again 800+ and again 1000+ unique i will be abble to get lvl 2 ?
And on a side note escobar if you read the earlier post about all my files either dissapearing out of thin air or removed for dmca notices im nearly up to 50 files removed in 2 days, show me your removed files in 2 days for dmca notices and let's see what's going on here... I doubt you have 50 removed.
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What you post tv shows /movies ?

I POst tv shows only and i use more sites like putlocker and on all sites the files that got dmca on putlocker gets dmca on all maybe not in the same day but in 1-2 days will be dmca .
I post all movies, but dmca notices is just touching on the issues that were addressed that one of many small issues putlocker is having, I'm interested in a intelligent response from putlocker about the issues addressed, if they are dmca notices SHOW THEM, whats going on with these hits and ratios we've given examples of how we are getting screwed why do files vanish etc etc lets leave this untouched until we hear a response from the admin that's been ghost while these topics have been going on..


Added after 13 minutes:

That's interesting escobar, in 1 months time as your pic shows you had 168 files removed alot of which were tv shows, ask putlocker to show you 10 of those notices I can only imagine all the files you uploaded in order to even make money after those files were gone.


Added after 7 minutes:

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