PSY - Gangnam Style - reached views

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Dude, honestly, when you make such a claim, proof to support your theory would be required. Speculation is not an argument.
Yes, I believe that 'shit' can become international hit, it's on top on 30+ chart lists. With or without youtube, it's extraordinary success.
They got only from my house, more than 150 views. And I am not even a great fan.
because I know that you can fake views with mobile and other methods, I don't know if that works anymore, and from the reliable sources who sells YT views I know that famous stars do that, not they personally, but their marketers.
And if you don't believe, ask why not? You can buy YT views and why would anyone who has money not buy them for promotion. I would.
Just because something can be faked, doesn't mean it is faked. That's a false argument.
I am not into belief system, I rather 'believe' in hard core proofs.
because I know that you can fake views with mobile and other methods, I don't know if that works anymore, and from the reliable sources who sells YT views I know that famous stars do that, not they personally, but their marketers.
And if you don't believe, ask why not? You can buy YT views and why would anyone who has money not buy them for promotion. I would.

The world can be designed in a computer. So we are all living in a fake world now? :O

I personally know hundreds of people who listen to this a few times a day.
@Mutikasa:- I have only one thing to say. Just open up that viral tube URL and i dare you to post a comment there and see if in next 5min, you find your comment lying there in first 5 pages or not. You think this can be bought?

1 Billion YT Views is a dream for anyone to achieve and is not a Joke and Google Youtube Blog has officially announced this on their blog about this. LINK

PSY Gangnam Style deserved this. Oppan Gangnam Style..

Thank You PSY for rocking the whole world. I love Korea. :cough:
I'm so sick of hearing this song over and over again. I never liked it when I heard it the first time, I don't like it now. But they keep playing it on the radio. :P
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