Buying Professional vBulletin Designer + Coder - Good $$

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Professional vBulletin Designer + Coder - Good $$

Hi users of wJunction.

I'm in need of a vbulletin 3.8 design, however it is not warez releated or porn releated.

It's for chefs. I'm a qualified chef, currently running a restuarant in Queensland Australia and it seems to be what chefs need, a forum to come on, talk to each other, find out about recipes, get help, and all of the razz and jazz.

I need somthing that is very restuarant and food releated, somthing professional and somthing that will make users return to my website, and gain that "wow" factor. It must be eyecatching.

In exchange, I will offer you good pay for this via Paypal or B2B.

You have a psd, or an idea of what you want it to look like? Depending on how complex you want it the price will range. If you get a psd pm me :D
I will do something very very professional for you, I will code and design, $600

I will do ALL gfx and skin will be ultimately professional. I dont do it my self, Me and my friend work on it together. All GFX means logo, FavIcon, AD banners, Userbars and what not.

I know its expensive, but who I get it done from, it is completely worth it. I am working on mine with him too. I will show you, its planned to finish this friday. :)

If you are interested, PM me.
Sorry mate, $600 is way to much when I could rip a pre-made one and just modify it for around $20 USD.

Looking at the mid range of $50-100 USD, usually will get somthing nicely done by most graphics artists.
ooo. Sorry mate, I thought you wanted something unique that only gets sold once and is completely professional. Anyways Good Luck with it.
I think You should hire Skords and SalmanAbbas....


Excel and Chris.....

These guys are faboulus and will make according to your budget...
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