Private Torrent site inv code?

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Active Member
I have been holding off since Demonoid went down a few months ago hoping they would come back. At this point though even if they ever do come back they have prob already gone and lost most of the people they had.

So if anyone has a badass private tracker that has a lot of movies please hook me up with an invite code, Im not to fond of using these public ones anymore if i wont have to. Thanks :D

And if you dont have any inv code then at least point me as to which private tracker you believe is best now that demonoid is out of the picture.

And for the record if anyone else is lookin for a private tracker heres a site that shows when the private ones are opening registration.

I havent used it yet because all the ones i have heard are big are closed right now. So let me know if one of those might be really good.

Sorry man but RevoTT sucks balls, There pre times are aweful and a lot of stuff they don't even have.

IPTorrents is probably good enough for just you mate (at the thread starter) as I'd says it's better than demonid.

although if you want a bad ass private torrent then you want something like ScT or SCC, best one I know is FTN which is fuck hard to get into and if you want to buy an invite they can cost over 200 euros

Also if you're want HD stuff Bit-HD is good.
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